𝗝𝗼𝗹𝗲𝗻𝗲 (𝗦𝗹𝗮𝘀𝗵)

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Laying awake in bed I think of everything I did to get here this very moment. I'm a good wife aren't I?Mean sure I could be very private bout myself and not really out there in the public eye, I'm not anyone famous hell all I am really is the wife to a famous guitarist even that I'm still considered a nobody. Hearing the baby monitor lets me know I'm needed most, swinging my feet out the bed to the side I take a deep breath before heading to the next room over seeing my pride and joy with tears in his eyes

"Hi munchkin, nightmare ?" Lifting him up out his crib I check his diaper and find nothing but it being wet so possibly was right just a bad dream. After I change him I take us down downstairs to see if I have a bottle prepared, hopefully I do with all the stress pent up I don't think it's best to breastfeed. Descending down the stairs I can hear the strumming of a guitar letting me know Slash is home must've came late last night every since he left the band he's been out more longer than usual and really not all here

Finally making it into the kitchen I see he left his jacket on the bar stool, I would've left it be if I didn't smell the perfume. Deciding against confronting him about it I look in the fridge finding that I didn't manage to pump last night so looks like I have no choice. Walking into the living room I sit down on the couch getting in a comfortable position before latching Jasper to my nipple. Once I'm at peace the best I can I hear a door close somewhere in the house, not really paying attention to it seeing as it's probably only Slash coming out finally I choose to ignore it

"Morning" placing a kiss to my cheek before heading to the kitchen

Still not ready to talk to him I just hum in acknowledgment, focusing on Jasper

"Any plans for today" he comes back into view sitting next to me playing with the baby's hair that he grew pretty early for me

"Might run a few errands for baby stuff, why do you have something to do"

"Nope wanted to spend some time with you guys, how long do you think you're gunna be gone"

"Not that long maybe 25 minutes top" seeing as it's time to burp Jasper I hand him to Slash, he could use some baby time a lot right now if I'm being honest "I'm gunna get dressed and quickly get that out of the way, have fun boys" ruffling his hair before placing a kiss to Jasper's head

I know exactly what I'm doing today, I'm gunna go have a talk with the woman. I know all about her can't miss it really they met before during his tour days he told me never to worry about it she's just a friend that's what they all say, then before you know it they're sneaking around 'accidentally' falling for each other. Quickly getting dressed I go back downstairs seeing as they're no longer on the couch probably took him to watch him mess around with his guitars. Snatching the keys I head out the door onto my journey for a rude awakening

Sitting at the cafe table I wait impatiently for Renee to arrive. I never been one to be confrontational, but today has to be done otherwise it'll just continue and before I know it I'll be seeing it in tabloids and on tv making me out to be stupid and then the pity will come from thousands around. Bringing me out of my thoughts speak of the devil she's finally here

"Y/n, what did you want to talk about" sitting across from me I can immediately smell the familiar perfume

"I think my husband is cheating, can you think of why and who exactly is he seeing Renee?"

"You think it's me don't you, are you that insecure that you suspect he's cheating on you more importantly with me"

"Your perfume gives me exactly the answer I'm looking for, don't lie it only makes you look more suspicious. Look I'm here woman to woman just to tell you it ends now, knowing he most likely won't I'm asking you don't take him from Jasper"

𝚁𝚘𝚌𝚔 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜/𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now