𝗕𝗶𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗶𝘀 & 𝗕𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘀 (𝗩𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝗶𝗹)

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Sitting in the beach chair just listening to the massacre around is peaceful enough for me. All I wanted for myself today was a day at the beach with my boyfriend but of course he managed to bring the entourage with him. I love the guys don't get me wrong but today since I was feeling generous I let it slide, however looked as if my generosity was backfiring

Feeling the sun being blocked out and sensing the presence of another next to me I open my eyes removing my shades down to the bridge of my nose to see none other then Nikki and Mick

"What do you guys want and it better be good otherwise you'll both be tasting sand" smiling so innocently at the two

"You ask to go to the beach and you choose to lounge on your ass in the sun instead of getting in the water" Mick shakes his head with laughter

"No I'm going to sit here for another 10 minutes then maybe get in the water" pushing my shades back up on my face laying back in the chair

Hearing Vince and Tommy coming back from the water I couldn't drown out the conversation they were having upon arrival

"Man did we get here great timing or what, look at all the babes" Tommy's eyes wandering from girl to girl as they pass by

Getting ready to have a smart comeback I felt a ball falling right into my lap startling me and everyone. Before I can verbally abuse whoever the asshole that couldn't have good ball control a voice spoke running over

"Sorry bout that, should've jumped a little higher" a girl with blonde hair, plump lips and really cute bikini

"Don't worry about it sweets we're all fine" Vince indiscreetly checking out the girl from head to toe

"Would you guys wanna play"

As sweet and innocent as she looks this girl is all but that. I can see right through her charade with her doe like eyes and perfect tan, fuck you lady

"Sure we'd love to" smiling to the girl she looks a bit taken back by my statement but doesn't say no

"Okay well the other side needs a member they're down one but I need some people" looking at the guys more or so Vince

Pulling off my sunglasses and removing Tommy's t-shirt he let me borrow since it fits like a dress I can feel eyes on me as I look up

"What are you freaks looking at let's play c'mon I'm kicking your asses today" smirking I walk towards the volleyball area standing on opposite side with the opposing team

As the girl stands front center purposely sticking her butt out in front of Vince's line of vision I can feel my blood boiling. Tommy serves the ball and we go back and forth for a while before the ball is coming towards me high in the air just waiting for me to spike it

"I got it !" jumping I hit it downwards as hard as I can to land it perfectly on her face, just before she can comprehend Vince pushes her out the way and gets a harsh reality to him

"AHHHH" dropping to the floor Vince clutches his knees together in a fetal position red in the face

Walking under the net not rushing at all I walk up to him crouching down to his ear patting his shoulder

"Aw my poor baby, would you like some ice" looking innocent rubbing his shoulder

Tommy and Nikki help him up to get him back over to our spot where Mick has been laughing non stop since our return from the 'playful' game of volleyball

Slapping the ice from the cooler onto Vince's balls and such I can only feel pleased with my doing . Do I feel bad about it, no he had it coming

"Maybe next time you'll keep your eyes from wandering on bimbos and pay attention to the ball stud muffin" kissing his cheek

"Good thing you're not my girlfriend y/n" laughs Nikki

"Face it Sixx if I was your girlfriend you'd be 12 feet under already after being with me for only 24 hours" walking up to Tommy I jump on his back "c'mon Tommy let's go swimming

"Hey hey what about me I'm your boyfriend" whines Vince still icing his injury

"Well your eyes were wandering so looks like it's my turn to have your full attention in the water with Tommy Lee himself, love you" smirking continuing down the sand laughing, finally enjoying my day at the beach with my boys

𝚁𝚘𝚌𝚔 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜/𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now