𝗚𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗠𝗲 𝗢𝗻𝗲 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗼𝗻 (𝗩𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝗶𝗹)

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Sitting at the patio table I've been thinking about how Vince is doing and hope everything is fine. Lately he's been stressed and scared with Skylar and her condition in the hospital, I can't even begin to imagine the emotions him and Sharise are going through. The worst thing is being a parent and there's nothing you can do much to make the pain and suffering go away to your child. Only thing I can really do is be as supportive as possible, so even though he really hoped I'd come with him since Sharise and Skylar both agreed it was fine I felt that was a more personal family matter. I know it hurt Skylar's feelings a little but I'm just respectable that way. If that's not enough it's been even more difficult for him since he left the band, the guys he trusted the most kinda outcasted him which resorted in him leaving but between you and I...I really think he was fired for his extensive drinking resurfacing again just don't question it because I don't like fighting with him

Turning the page I hear a loud car engine pulling in to the driveway if they can that is, with Vince's many car collections I find it difficult myself to do so I just park in front of the house. Placing my bookmark into place I get up to see who it is, looking through the peephole I see someone holding a vase of flowers. Stepping back to open the door they greet me before handing me the vase with a note sticking inside

"Thanks" closing the door I glance around at them, they are pretty and smell good

Grabbing the small note I see Vince's name written in cursive and flip it over to read the message

Hope your daughter makes a speedy recovery, also hope you're doing okay for yourself. Need anything I'm always here

x Jillian

Thinking nothing much from it, I don't have the time to bring up this on top of all the stress he's already going through. Keeping the card I take the vase to the coffee table and set them down, teetering the card between my fingers I just stick it in my pocket for now. For all I know it could mean nothing and it's probably someone he's working with about his contract. Could be a friend, men and women could be friends don't be misogynistic. Hearing the phone ringing I move around to answer


"Y/n...I need you to come over to the hospital please" hearing Vince's fragile voice like he's been crying

"Is everything okay?" fearing for the worst

"She really wants to see you, all she talks about is wanting to see you. Please you have to come and I really need you here too"

"Is it okay with Sharise if I come, I don't want it to be weird"

"She thinks it's a good idea"

"Okay...I'll come, just give me a few minutes" hanging up after he agrees I hurriedly run to change into presentable clothes, I'll leave that note out for now but we're coming back to it eventually I can feel it

August 5, 1995

Laying in bed finally after a few hours of struggling I had to swallow some of Vince's sedatives to stay that way for at least 2 hours so I can be up when he comes home. He hasn't been home for this week at all except to change clothes and shower then he's right back to the hospital, I'm not complaining at all but I know he's not eating or sleeping if he's up all day and night. Sharise came over one day and stayed the whole time until then, we just talked and reminisced on the times where Skylar was so bubbly and how she has Vince wrapped around her finger because she's a daddy's girl. It was the happiest she's been since she found out the terrible news of the tumor, I took that time to ask her some advice on how to approach Vince and when would be a good time seeing as I'm still getting multiple flowers and notes from this Jillian. Seeing as she's actually been married to him for so long and knows him as well as I do she could give me some pointers

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