𝗣𝗮𝗰𝗶𝗳𝘆 𝗛𝗲𝗿 (𝗘𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗲 𝗩𝗲𝗱𝗱𝗲𝗿)

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Somewhere in 1991

"You're being territorial over someone that isn't even yours, that's his girlfriend y/n and should I remind you that you aren't"

"Remind me all you want but your words don't mean shit, I don't like her" staring daggers at the back of Beth's head "She so oblivious that I'm killing her in my head more ways than one in the most inhumane way possible"

"You need to get some fresh air, c'mon let's go outside away from them" getting guided outside by Stone "You have zero reasons to hate her besides her being Eddie's girlfriend if anything you should be mad with him"

"That's not the only reason, besides don't try to act so oblivious as if I'm not fucking him every other weekend when we get drunk. But you're right I should be mad at him but c'mon look at him, can you be mad at that cute ass face"

"Keep your voice down this door is not as thick as it looks" he shushes me trying to cover my mouth but I swat his hand away

"So, I want her to hear how I'm DOING YOUR JOB OF FUCKING YOUR BOYFRIEND" getting dragged away from the door fully outside but get interrupted seeing Chris come out his apartment door

"What did you do now, where you two going?"

"Beth is visiting Eddie while she's in town and little miss kill em all is trying to sabotage the relationship"

"I can't sabotage what's already a shit show, he doesn't love her"

"How do you know, he tell you this or something?" Chris asks folding his arms

"I know he doesn't, think about it would you love your girlfriend as much if she was never around all the time. Hardly ever calls, doesn't talk about you to her friends or bandmates, or she hasn't even made an effort to come live here with him"

"You know as much as I wanna disagree with that she has a point, Beth hasn't even attempt to come to any of our shows" Stone agrees finally

"See, shitty girlfriend" waving my arms out "Now explain why we're still in the hallway, I'm going back inside" walking around them but get dragged right back to where I was standing

"Not so fast killer, why don't we go together and we keep you in your place and make sure you don't go off the rails" Stone shoves me back to the apartment door with Chris following laughing behind us

Walking back inside I see them sitting on the couch damn near making out and make a disgusted face, turning around but both Stone and Chris turn me right back around and cough to get their attention

"We're back you two can stop tongue fucking now on the couch please and thank you" forcing a smile

"I told you they'd be back any minute, where'd you guys go I was just asking Ed about going out tonight for my last visiting day here?" she asks no one in particular as I resist the urge to roll my eyes

"Y/n here thought you guys could use some alone time to talk"

"The hell I did- ow!" getting pinched by Stone for not agreeing with him

"So where you thinking Beth?" Chris asks her

"Well Eddie said you guys had a gig tonight so why don't we all just chill there once the show is over" she asks looking from him back to Eddie

"Finally gonna show up and witness them for once?" getting pinched again "I swear to fucking god I will end you" glancing up to Stone seeing him look annoyed with my attitude

𝚁𝚘𝚌𝚔 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜/𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now