𝗗𝗶𝗿𝘁𝘆 𝗗𝗶𝗮𝗻𝗮 (𝗡𝗶𝗸𝗸𝗶 𝗦𝗶𝘅𝘅)

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~ February 9, 1990 ~

Vegas baby, where many and just about anything can happen. But today I'm just here to ruin someone's good time, finding my personal driver for the time being I get in the car waiting for them to load up with my bags and drive me to my hotel. Let me catch everyone up to speed

Flashbacks to 1989

"You're a liar ! Egotistical lying son a bitch you've been with that self centered skank again haven't you ?" throwing anything in sight at him

"With my wife y/n you need to stop acting like this, you know what this is already"

"Oh bite me Nikki really ? She's your wife but you guys can't even stop arguing for 2 minutes, you're here right now but not just that day in and out hell nights even with me but it's okay because I'm the little one on the side, kept in the shadows while she gets shown off"

"You're not in the shadows-

"LIAR ! I am in the shadows, she gets it all huh ? The last name, the affection, your fucking heart while I" laughing at the bullshit "I get the after thought, well guess what I'm not doing it anymore, go find your next piece of ass somewhere else because I'm done"

"Y/n c'mon be serious you don't have to act like this" rushing to me but I don't pay him no mind except stare at the floor "look she doesn't mean half the shit you mean to me okay, I know it doesn't seem like it but you know that you will always be my number one girl before she is"

"Bullshit, you married her that tells me everything"

"For a PR stunt"

"Why would you do that, that's stupid" confused on what he's saying

"It's part of my reputation, the rockstar marries the playmate c'mon y/n you gotta understand it"

"I guess I can see your point, but why not the president's daughter doesn't that sound so much more funner and increases your reputation"

"I wouldn't want my reputation to fuck up yours and make your dad look terrible, but you mean so much more than a collectible to my reputation. So that is why I keep this a secret"

"Aw you really mean that Nikki that's so sweet" hugging him "Now I didn't wear this little get up for nothing so, get to work we have all night"

Flashback ends

That was just the tip of the ice berg, I fell for that trap more than once and I should've known better. Sneaky asshole schemes me into believing I was important to him, I had his real heart but oh no I was a pawn in his little game

"We're here Ms Reagan" the chauffeur tells me opening the door as I climb out I make way to the hotel

"Right this way ma'am your room is ready for you" a bellboy comes escorting me to the elevator as some more take care of the bags

"Will you be expecting any guest while visiting ?"

"Maybe one, shouldn't be here long"

Making quick of finding my suite I wait until everyone leaves and get dressed for the final step of my diabolical plan. Stripping down to my birthday suit I stand in front of the little mirror and think what could compliment my body figure, getting in my suitcase I look for my black jeans and go for a shower

~ few hours later ~

Looking at myself one last time I make sure everything looks to how I want it to and grab my purse going for the lobby. Getting in the car I look at the piece of paper with the address of the arena they're suppose to be in tonight

𝚁𝚘𝚌𝚔 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜/𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now