Kogagoshi | I see you, You're walking across the campus

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Don't mind me, just shamelessly updating.

Tsutomu woke up to the sound of his dreadfully loud and annoying alarm. He groaned, but obeyed the alarms purpose and slid out of bed. The warmth of his blanket was taken away as the cold  air hit his shoulders. Tsutomu's finger hovered over the phone briefly before putting the alarm to a stop. His third week of college. He pulled a shirt over his head, already having slept in jeans and his socks. Tsutomu's family had always told him to stop but he couldn't help it.

Tsutomu silently picked  up his supplies for his 10AM class. He dragged his feet along the floor, having stayed up later than he wanted to admit. Studying of course, nothing else. Goshiki silently walked out the door, having passed his roommate. He headed away from the dormitory areas.

Goshiki trudged along the sidewalk leading towards the main building. There was loud yelling, waking up Tsutomu completely from his tiredness. Alarmed, He looked around and saw a group of guys all jumping around and seeming to be playing around. He recognized three of them Miya Atsumu, Bokuto Koutarou, and Hinata Shoyo. Tsutomu sighed. However out of the two unknown others, one of them caught his attention.

 He was tall, incredibly tall the most striking feature was his mixed hair. His hair was mostly blonde, The brown that remained in his hair stuck up at the front of his head. It reminded Goshiki  of that American anime about those birds, The yellow one. What was it's name again? Chad? Chuck? He shrugged letting that thought slip away. Tsutomu felt his stomach flip over. 

The boy wasn't attractive but he wasn't exactly ugly either. So what made Goshiki feel so flustered and hot? He must've been standing there for a long while because they quieted down, heads turning towards him. Tsutomu felt a shiver travel down his spinal cord.  He quickly turned and continued walking towards the building.

Goshiki felt miserable, why? Because he couldn't pay attention to class. At all. His mind had floated over to the boy he saw earlier that morning. Tsutomu had some time to spare before his next class at 2PM. He decided to grab lunch at a small café in campus owned by a bunch of  students that majored in  business. 

"Can I have a medium Tapioca tea?" He asked the cashier, digging out his wallet. "Of course, that'll be 250 yen, 300 with tax" The cashier smiled at him politely. He nodded. His face dropped. He only had 243 yen. As a broke college student this wasn't something new, however. He knew he certainly had more at his dorm. "Ah... Uh I left most of my money at my dorm- may I get it and come to pay for the tea ?" Tsutomu asked nervously.  "No" The cashier frowned.

"You can't leave the shop until you've paid and gotten your drink, sorry" They stated. Goshiki felt his cheeks heat up. "Oh..."  Tsutomu felt a figure lean over. " I can pay for him." Goshiki turned around. "what no Its fi-" He paused. It was the boy from earlier! His suddenly felt a bit queasy. "Okay, Do you want to add anything to the order?" The Cashier hovered their fingers over the electronic board.  "An Iced coffee please," The boy smiled. Goshiki felt as though he would explode. The smile pushing him over into a trance of lovesickness. 

"Uh thanks for paying, I'll pay you back when I get to my dorm"  Tsutomu rubbed the back of his neck. "You don't have to pay back in cash, I'm Kanji Koganegawa by the way, call me Kogane " The boy grinned, the cold coffee in his hand was set down as they sat down at a table. "Oh... Well I think I'd have to pay you back somehow." He sounded like he was kind, what was Kogane doing to him? It almost made Tsutomu sick. Kogane  scanned Tsutomu up and down. "I have an idea, you can pay with your body" Goshiki choked, spitting out a couple of droplets of the tea.

 "I-I'm sorry?!" Tsutomu stood up. " I said you can pay with your body, Like join the college's volleyball team. You seem pretty tall, and well built. What else did you think?" Kogane tilted his head, in a confused tone. "Oh-" Goshiki felt his face heat up, why had his mind been drawn there? "Uh nothing...Volleyball? Uh Sure I was planning to anyways..." Tsutomu mumbled loudly enough for Koganegawa to hear. "Great! have you played volleyball before? It's really fun. I'm a setter" Kogane exclaimed. "Yeah I played in highschool...." Goshiki responded, being caught in Kogane's joy.  "Really?! What team?" Kogane seemed to turn into a child, or a fangirl of some point. 

"I attended Shiratorizawa, I'm an Outside hitter.." Tsutomu looked up at Kogane, his dark brown eyes meeting with Kogane's hazel ones. Kogane's eyes widened. "Woah! Really?! That's cool, isn't Shiratorizawa academy like for elites?" Goshiki's stomach was starting to do flips, he was starting to think there's something in there other than food.  "I guess- Our team was pretty good," Goshiki chuckled lightly, taking in the praise. "Anyways, I can show you how to sign up later, Oh can I have your number?"  Tsutomu nodded, Taking a sip of his Boba tea. Goshiki handed Koganegawa his phone as Koganegawa handed Tsutomu his own. 

"It was nice meeting you Tsutomu!" Kogane got out of his chair, with his empty plastic cup that was once filled with iced coffee. Goshiki nodded, The heat rising back to his face. "You too!" He waved as Kogane threw away his cup as Koganegawa left the building.  Tsutomu sat there for a few secs, taking time to process what just happened. He wandered in his mind, before deciding to get up. A small smile lit his face. This was one of the rare times in his life where he truly felt excited. He drank the rest of his Tapioca tea and threw away the cup. He left the shop, quickly remembering he had class. 

So uh Inconsistent updates?

How does everyone feel about that?

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