DaiSuga|Good Morning

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Daichi woke up to the sound of sizzling and the smell of bacon.He put some pants on and headed downstairs,yawning. He saw Suga cooking at the stove. He went up from behind Suga and loosely wrapped his arms around Suga's waist,nuzzling his face into the back of Suga's neck inhaling Suga's sweet scent.

"Daichi that tickles" Sugawara giggled. "Mhm 'morning Suga" Daichi rose his face from Suga's neck and gave him a peck. Suga smiled and got back to cooking. "Smells good," Daichi noted. Letting go of Suga and going up stairs to get properly dressed.

Daichi headed down and sat down at the table where there was Food in front of him along with Suga who had been waiting."Ah Sorry did I keep you waiting?" Daichi Smiled nervously. "Yes Daichi,The food is cold now,look at what you did-I'm kidding" Suga jokes. "Oh Haha good." Daichi sat down. "Thank you for the food!" They Both said in Unison and began to eat.

Eek That was short-Sorry I hope you like it so far :D

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