Iwaoi | Royalty AU(Part 1)

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Prince Oikawa of the Aoba Johsai was often described as Charming, Smart ,and Athletic. Little did the new groundskeeper,Iwaizumi know,he was in fact going to find a different person.

"Alright,That should be all you're supposed to do for today,Good luck" Iwaizumi's new instructor had explained to him what he was to do. He decided to head over to the Scilla's the colors went from aqua-green,to a deep purple.The flowers stretched along the wall a story high there lay a balcony. Iwaizumi bent down, humming while he tended to the flowers. Little did he know someone was watching him.

Oikawa sat on his bed,he was busy brushing his fluffy hair when he had heard humming coming from his balcony.He stopped brushing  his hair and cocked an eyebrow. "Well who could that be?" A nervous smile stitched its way up his face.He hesitantly got up and walked out to the balcony. He looked below where the Scilla patch lay. "My,my" He whispered to himself. His eyes met a muscular figure,Who was wearing the uniform of a worker in the castle.The uniform was tight on the figure showing off his muscles.He had slightly darker skin than Oikawa and dark,short spikey brown hair. Suddenly the figure turned its head to Oikawa. Oikawa forgot to breath for a second.Eyes the color of the jade.

Iwaizumi held footsteps.Alarmed,he looked up. His eyes met with light brown ones. He then realized it was the prince he was staring at. He could tell by how pretty he was and the description of chestnut hair, tall, light brown eyes fit him perfectly. "Is there something you want your majesty?" Iwaizumi questioned, not sure why the prince was staring at him.Maybe he was pitying him? Iwaizumi's face soured at that thought. "If you're pitying m-" "Your name." Oikawa interrupted Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi's expression softened into one of confusion. what? his name? Why. "I want your name, who are you?"  Oikawa rephrased.

"Why?" Iwaizumi answered without much thought. Oikawa blinked. No one had said  "No" to him before. "Because, Im the prince, Now give me your name." He demanded this time.He didn't know how to react. He felt a bit frustrated. He was the prince, was that not enough? "So?" Iwaizumi felt a bit annoyed. "Your weird" Oikawa blurted out. Iwaizumi was just irritated at this point. "Is.that.all?" He asked Oikawa slowly. "What no-Your name! please," This was the first time Oikawa could recall  having to plead  for something. Iwaizuni blinked. "Iwaizumi.That's my name, Happy?"  Iwaizumi.Iwaizumi was his name.Oikawa had a childish grin on his face "Okay. Bye bye  Iwa-Chan~"  Oikawa waved and walked back into his room giving Iwaizumi a childish nickname.

Iwaizumi felt a vein pop from his forehead. "Iwa-chan"? The hell. Why was the prince so brattish? He sighed but got backed to tending to the flowers. Iwaizumi finished tending to the flowers and got up, going to complete the rest of his task as a groundskeeper.  By the end of the day.he was sweating and thirsty. The sweat rolled off his muscles as he had gotten inside the small house he was staying in that was very close to the castle. He got himself a glass of water thinking about the strange encounter with the pretty, yet childish prince.

Oikawa heard a knock on his door. "Who is it?" He asked, frowning. "Its your parents. Your majesty they have some news to discuss with you in the throne room." A maid spoke from behind the door. Oikawa plastered on a smile. "Alright~ Thank you I'll be out in a second" He heard a small squeal from the hallway. He smirked, heading towards the door. He opened the door to his room and headed down the hallways to the throne room. "Hello Dear, we have some VERY important news!" Oikawa's mother announced. Oikawa perked an eyebrow in curiosity. "The Shiratorizawa Kingdom wants their eldest son, Wakatoshi, to marry you!"  The queen grinned. 

Iwaizumi decided to head to the royal gardens. He had wanted to see the Evening Primroses glow. He grabbed the key to the gates that belonged to the castle. He got out of his home and headed towards the castle. Iwaizumi had soon arrived as the castle wasn't very far. He slid in the key, turned it to  the left and heard a small "click" . He opened the gates and headed into the garden.He shuffled around trying to remember where the Evening Primroses were.When he had found them What surprised him weren't of how bright and pretty they glowed but rather what was sitting by them. The prince.

Oikawa had been feeling sour after being told his parents were going to make him marry though it felt a little better that he told them he'll find someone else.So they gave him a month to find someone to marry,If not he was going to marry Wakatoshi. He heard footsteps and panicked.He turned around. He quickly calmed down realizing it was Iwaizumi. He exhaled. He smiled. "it's you"  Iwaizumi nodded. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in your big fancy bed or something?"  Oikawa smirked. "Why you want me to bring you to my bed?" He winked. Iwaizumi's cheeks turned a light pink,he could only see it because of the glowing flowers around him.

"Okay one,I've never been this close to hitting a royal." Iwaizumi put his thumb and pointer finger together. "Two,Bold of you to assume I'd bottom." Oikawa squinted his eyes looking at Iwaizumi's fingers. "But Iwa-chan your fingers are touching-" Oikawa then realized.He looked up at Iwaizumi,An eyebrow perked up.Did he really have the guts to punch Oikawa? The answer was quick and clear. Yes. Oikawa felt tingling over his cheek. "oWwWwwWw" He gasped dramatically. "Iwa-Chan don't kill me!"  He pouted,cupping his cheek. "Iwa-Chan that really hurt!" He complained. "No duh," Iwaizumi sighed.  "Iwa-Chan could you kiss it until It feels better?" Oikawa pointed to his cheek. Iwaizumi's eye twitched. "Sorry! Sorry! sorry!" Oikawa moved his hands infront of his repeatedly .

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