Kuroken | Care to dance?

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Kuroo Tetsuro. Current prince of Nekoma. With his terribly old parents. The kingdom starts to get worried, Who will be the next two rulers of Nekoma? Kuroo's father had decided to send invites to a ball to royalty in multiple kingdoms hoping to find a wife for Kuroo. Kuroo however only knew his parents were hosting a party of some sort. 

Kenma Kozume. The 4th prince of Karasuno. Having many siblings, (Tanaka, Kinoshita, Nishinoya, Hinata, and Yachi). He could easily be married off instead of taking care of Karasuno as a king unless something came upon the kingdom. King Daichi and Suga had decided to send him and his personal guard, Yaku to Nekoma in hopes of getting Kenma married. The night had come of the ball where Kenma had arrived a day early and has had everything prepared.

"HEY HEY HEY!!! KU-BRO!" Kuroo's eyes lit up. His usual smirk reached up his face of course Prince Bokuto would arrive first into the ballroom.  "Boku-bro~~ heyy~" He spoke in a suave tone. "Bokuto-San, lower your voice, there's going to be other people" A soothing voice came from behind Bokuto. Kuroo cocked an eyebrow, his face turning into one of slight shock. The person the voice was coming from seemed to be the most beautiful thing Kuroo had ever seen. " Forget hydrogen, you're my number one element!" Kuroo flirted in his own nerdy sense. "Dude!!!! Not cool"  Bokuto pouted. "He's mine!" Bokuto hugged the pretty stranger. "It's nice to meet You Prince Kuroo, I'm Akaashi Keiji, Bokuto-san's personal assistant, and to-be husband." Akaashi introduced himself, brushing off the Pick-up line. Kuroo blanked out for a second. to-be? HUSBAND? " Wait Boku-bro gots a husband now?? Bro congrats-" Kuroo congratulated.  Bokuto smiled,nodding. "See ya Around Ku-bro me and Aggashee are gonna dance~" Bokuto waved, grabbing Akaashi by the hand and dragging him off. It was suddenly more crowded than Kuroo remembered. Suddenly Kuroo saw a..princess? with pudding like hair and a small figure, she looked lovely, Curiously  he moved foward, hoping to get to know her.

"Why am I in a dress again?" Kenma sighed, looking down at the poofy orange white and black dress he was wearing. He looked at the tiled floor of the ballroom, then he remembered, there was some new servants in the castle, they must have gone into the wrong room and grabbed the wrong clothes.He decided he was goign to kill them when he got back. "Chibi-chan~" Kenma looked over to see a tall guy with messy black hair and slitted Cat-like eyes. He squinted his eyes. "Are you made of Oxygen and NEon? cause I think you're the O-NE" Kenma cringed. "I- not even a giggle? was it that bad?" Kenma nodded. "Im a dude by the way" Kenma pointed out. "Really?" Kenma nodded again. "Can I see?" Kuroo asked. Kenma thought about it for a second  and shrugged. "Sure?". 

"Im Kuroo by the way, Prince Kuroo," Kuroo introduced himself. Kenma then realized this was the Prince of Nekoma. Kenma lifted up his skirt. Kuroo crouched down. "Oh, You're right." Kuroo looked up at Kenma. "Sorry 'bout the misunderstanding though I still think you're pretty" Kuroo got up, having to tilt his neck to be able to make eye contact with Kenma. Kenma just looked away. "Mhm..." 

"What's your name?" Kuroo asked. "Oh. Im Kenma, Kenma Kozume from the Karasuno kingdom, the 4th son." Kenma's eyes wondered Kuroo body, studying him and eventually up to his face. His quiet monotone voice was sort of difficult to hear but it was loud enough for Kuroo to hear through the crowd and music. "Is that so Kenma?" Kenma nodded. "Do you know how to dance?" Kuroo offered a hand. "No." Kenma said flatly. He had never taken the time to learn such skills. "Oh..I can teach you then?" Kuroo's smirk deepened. Kenma hesitated, Did he really trust a guy he just met to teach him how to dance? Oh whatever Kenma couldn't care much less, if something happened to him or not, there would always be someone to replace him anyways.

"Sure.Okay." Kenma lightly slid his hand into Kuroo's. Before Kenma knew it He was in the middle of the ballroom, clasping his right hand with Kuroo's, and his left hand on Kuroo's shoulder. He started to lightly panic, He felt all the unwanted attention and eyes travel towards him. "Kuroo." Kenma whispered. "Hm? what is it Kenma?" Kuroo asked.  "Can..we dance somewhere else?" Kenma asked quietly. "Uh Im not sure there is anywhere else, Sorry" Kuroo apologized. Kenma nodded, He decided to accept his fate. They slowly swayed to the music, Kenma feeling nervous though feeling better in Kuroo's grasp.  "Ow-" Kuroo winced. Kenma had accidently stepped on his toe.

"Oh. Sorry" Kenma said flatly. "It's alright Kitten" Kuroo smiled. Kenma lightly stepped on his toe again, this time on purpose. "Ow-Alright alright, Kenma" Kuroo wasn't hurt, obviously but decided to play along finding Kenma amusing. "I've literally known you for less than ten minutes pet names is a bit too far." Kenma stated. "I mean you can get to know me for more than ten minutes-" Kuroo responded. "No thanks." Kenma replied not skipping a beat. "Too bad, you're gonna be my Chibi-chan!" Kuroo smirked, dipping Kenma down. The only thing keeping Kenma from falling onto the ground was Kuroo's arm wrapped around his waist and his toes.  "I-im not that short, I'm 9cm taller than the average height." Kenma stuttered a bit at the sudden drop. His cheeks flushed at Kuroo's words. "Huh Good point" Kuroo lifted him up again going back to the swaying. 

The bell struck, It was Midnight. "That was quick" Kuroo frowned. Kenma nodded in agreeance. He was a bit surprised he actually enjoyed the night. "You wanna meet again sometime soon?" Kuroo asked, looking down at Kenma. "mmm....Sure" Kenma shrugged. "Well it was nice meeting you, Kozume" Kuroo paused midway thinking about the next word carefully. Kenma lightly blush at the use of his first name. "We aren't that close yet..." Kenma mumbled. "Not yet~ Anyways See ya later" Kuroo waved as Kenma walked off towards the exit to find Yaku so he could go home and tell Daichi and Suga that he wanted to hang out with Kuroo and how they could arrange that.

You thought I'd update on Sunday, but it was me! DIO

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