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Daichi turned on his phone and entered his password. Feeling bored,he opened up Facebook only to be greeted by a bunch of ads for the same restaurant. Daichi frowned trying to find the little "X" to exit out.The place was new and fancy,the food was very expensive.

"Hey hey Daichi,What are you looking at?" Suga happened to be at Daichi's home,After all he'd forgotten his volleyball shorts at Daichi's.

Before Daichi could respond Sugawara noticed the advertisements for the new restaurant. "Isn't that place really pricey?" Daichi looked up at Suga. "Yeah I wanted to take you there but I looked at their website.... and uh yeah" He scratched his head nervously.

"Hmmm.." Sugawara seemed deep in thought when suddenly he let out an 'Ah!' He smiled mischievously and looked at Daichi. "I have an idea!"

"Actually,that's not a bad idea" Daichi thought for a second and nodded. "So when do you want to go?" Suga asked. "Now if you don't mind?" Daichi sat up.

"Yeah sure we just need a prop....Mind if I look through uh the dressers?Im. Im not a thief,I swear" Sugawara laughed lightly.Daichi smiled and nodded.

"Okay I'm ready" Suga chirped heading to the front door of which showed a waiting Daichi. They both headed out the door.

"Table for 2 Please" Sugawara told the person at the front, holding hands with Daichi. The person nodded
Taking out 2 adult menus. They guided the couple to a table setting the menu's down. "Hello I'm _____ And I'll be your server today" They bowed and walked away.

"you wanna do it after we eat?" Suga asked,not letting go of Daichi's hand. Daichi nodded opening up the menu. The server soon came back and they ordered their food.

"Hey uh Suga," Daichi's cheeks were dusted in pink.
"Hm?" Sugawara stared straight(gay) into Daichi's dark brown eyes. Daichi looked away groaning in frustration.

His cheeks turned into a crimson shade of red. "Ahhh why are you so pretty??I can't even tell you I love you without almost fainting" Suga blushed at Daichi's words. "Aw,I love you too" Sugawara smiled.

The server soon arrived with their food. They began eating. "So uh,Now?" Daichi asked quietly. Suga nodded,They had finished eating and decided the time was perfect. Daichi let go of Sugawara's hand and stood up standing in front of Suga.Getting on one knee,he took out a small black box from his pocket.

"Sugawara Koushi,Will you marry me?" Daichi opened up the small box to reveal a shiny golden ring. The restaurant went silent with all eyes on Sugawara waiting to see his answer.

Suga hesitated acting surprised. A wide smile appeared on Sugawara's face. "Oh my god- Yes!" Suga bent down and hugged Daichi tightly.

There was an applause and some "Woohoooo!"s from the crowd. Sugawara helped Daichi up as Daichi put the box back in his pocket. The server walked over to them congratulating Daichi and Suga saying the food was for free because of the events that had happened. They both smiled,the plan had worked.

They were walking back to the car when Sugawara grabbed Daichis hand suddenly. "Suga we don't have to pretend anymore" Daichi was a bit startled by the sudden action.

"But Daichi,I don't want to pretend"
"I know."
Daichi gripped Sugawara's hand back,giving it a light squeeze.

Should I write Suga's name as "Sugawara" or "Suga"? Also My birthday is on the 11th ^^

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