Yakulev | [Chuckles] I'm in danger

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"Oi Lev! Im ordering some food do you want anything?" Yaku yelled across the room. Lev thought for a second. "Can I have some Chicken nuggets with Ketchup?" Lev answered Yaku, Looking down at him. Yaku narrowed his eyes "What are you 5?" He teased. "Yeah- 5 heads taller than you!" Lev remarked. 

This shut Yaku up,He went silent.A Deadly silence pursued,worrying Lev who went immediately pale. Instead,a smile came across Yaku's face. "Hello yes? One second,My partner is  still deciding,I'll be right back ^^" Yaku spoke kindly into the phone. "Uh Sir could you hurry u-" The person on the other end couldn't finish their sentence due to Yaku putting the phone down onto the counter.

"Oh Lev~ what  did you want again?" Yaku cracked his knuckles. "Oh Shi-Oh shi-" Lev's eyes widened realizing that he had pissed Yaku off. He began dramatically praying .  (Noya & Tanaka Intensifies). "Why are you backing away  l e v ?I just want to talk" Yaku asked walking faster."I just want to talk Lev.COME BACK HERE LEV" Lev screamed and started running across the room.

Unknown to the couple,the person on the other side of the phone could hear exactly what was happening,feeling severely uncomfortable. After a series of screams,yells,and yelps there was a sudden silence. "That's kinky Yaku-san" The person hung up after that.

"Ah?!" Yaku let go of Lev's neck and got off of him. "ow...That really hurt Yaku-san,I just wanted my chicken  nuggies" Lev pouted dramatically. "Dang it...They hung up-" Yaku sighed looking back at his phone.  "Hm I could make us something-" Lev quickly got cut off by Yaku. "No,Lev do you remember what happened LAST time? How do you BURN WATER?" Yaku asked with curiosity. 

"Why do you hate me Yaku-san?" Lev replied. "hate?" Yaku's expression softened. "why are you so dense that you think I could actually hate you?"  Yaku looked up at Lev's eyes. "Yaku-san you can't answer my question with a question-" Lev said as if in a different world.   "Lev I dont hate you,You're just...dumb? no,well actually yes but-" Yaku stated. "Hey! Your the one the small head,Which means you have a small brai-" Lev stopped mid sentence realizing what he said.

"Yaku-san you can't kill your lover-"  Lev cried out. "Oh but I can" Yaku started to Tickle Lev. Lev was wheezing and laughing heavily. "YaKu-GasP- I-i Cant AHahAaahAHA BrEat-" Tickling is dangerous kids. Yaku stopped when he realized Lev was turning Blue- o o p s. 

"Yaku-San while you were suffocating me I actually thought of a different way to suffocate me-" Yaku looked at Lev with confusion. "What the heck Lev" Lev shrugged. "But We could both enjoy it-" Lev stated. "???? W h y, Why am I dating you?" Yaku started to have an Existential crisis.

Suddenly Yaku's lips felt warm,He felt Arms snake around his torso. He realized Lev was Kissing him.His eyes widened but then he relaxed. Yaku seemed to have lost time until he realized he had run out of breathe.He started to aggressively pat Lev's back,signaling he needed to breath. Yaku then noticed this is what Lev had thought. His face went even redder at the realization.

Lev noticed and broke away,A thick string of connected saliva dribbled from their lips.  They were both slightly gasping for air. "Wow Yaku-San Your lips really taste nice-" Lev noted. "Lev how do you say those kind of sentences with a straight face-" Yaku's face twisted into slight confusion.

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