SakuAtsu Halloween Special !Important!| Heaven & Hell AU

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Sakusa Kyoomi. Fellow Sinner working in the administration side of hell. Mostly letting demons come back from and go to the human world when they are summoned from the humans.

"Germy~~~ There's someone I want you to meet!" Sakusa's eyebrows squished together, A sign of annoyance. He looked over from his desk made of thick dirt. His black eyes met with brown ones. "This is 'Tsumu~ He was just banished from heaven, He's gonna need a "friend" around here and I think you'd be perfect" The Low-level that happened to be an actual demon instead of a former human that had sinned. Therefore was more valued than Sakusa making the demon Sakusa's "boss".

Atsumu smirked. He may have just been Permanently sent away from heaven,but at least his brother couldn't make fun of him in hell. His eyes traveled up and down the other guys body until his eyes met with black, empty, ones that seemed to be filled with disgust. There was a Silence. Atsumu noticed some lit candles surrounding what seemed to be summoning circles.

"How romantic" The fake blonde stated, a smirk on his face. Sakusa could instantly tell he hated his new "assistant". "those are for summoning demons" Sakusa glared at him. "what's your name? Im Atsumu, Atsumu Miya" Atsumu held out a hand, wanting a handshake. Sakusa cringed at the thought of touching another and collecting their germs. " Kyoomi, kyoomi Sakusa." Atsumu cocked an eyebrow, as if saying "why aren't you shaking my hand? Im trying to be polite here". "Ew" Sakusa simply responded. "I-what do you mean "Ew"?!? " Atsumu put his hand down, an offended expression stood on his face. Sakusa frowned. "I mean "ew" wanna hear it in spanish? Ew."

"Omi Omi~ You're so rude" Sakusa cocked an eyebrow at this, one with two moles above it. " "Omi Omi"?" He squinted his eyes at Atsumu. Atsumu's eyes became half lidded a sly smile arose and his eyebrows poked the top of his forehead. A teasing expression. Very annoying.

"Yeah. Dont like it?" Atsumu asked,as if asking to be punched. "No, I actually hate that and you for that matter,maybe as much as germs." Sakusa rolled his eyes. "Geez Omi Omi you sure? I could end up being your true love" Atsumu's expression somewhat turned serious. "Atsumu this is hell. There is no place for love in hell." Sakusa frowned.

"Really now? I think you're lying Omi Omi, In fact I'm going to make you fall in love with me,in hell." Atsumu spoke with such confidence it almost made Sakusa want to puke. Almost. "Yeah no." Sakusa replied, his cheeks a bit heated up. Sakusa s gaze averted to the ground. "Where you looking Omi-kun?"

"Shut up"

Atsumu climbed out of the hellish pit he was sent to live in,of course it was terrible he was in hell after all. He had just awoken,he couldn't tell whether it was day or night.The sky was always a blood red. But Atsumu didn't mind too much.His mind wandering somewhere else. Sakusa Kyoomi. He had told the raven haired male that Atsumu could make him fall in love with Atsumu. The question was how?

Sakusa nodded at the demon that was standing in between the summoning circle. Sakusa started to speak in an ancient language and the circle started to glow. There was a bright flash and the demon was gone. The candles were blown out. Sakusa sighed. He got off his stool and picked up the filthy lighter with two fingers,cringing at every moment of contact. He quickly lit the candles and then continued to put away the lighter. "Omi Omi~" Sakusa felt his nonexistent soul get drained out of his dead body.

"Can you ty my shoes for me?" Atsumu asked,his laces undone. "I don't want to fall for someone else" He said before Sakusa could foul the mood. "No. Go trip and fall,face first." Sakusa was clearly unimpressed. "Do you really dislike me that much?" Atsumu asked. "Yes,frankly I have a severe dislike of you" Sakusa glared at Atsumu. "You wound me Omi-kun" 

" Omi Omi~ I want a kiss" Atsumu  said in a straightforward manner. "Ew. Do you know how many bacteria is passed when you kiss someone?"
"No,How many Omi-kun?" Atsumu asked, with a slightly amused expression reaching his face. "80 million"Sakusa'a expression twisted into one of disgust. "Wow you're so smart Omi-kun" Sakusa felt his cheeks lightly heat up, Why? It was just a basic compliment. " But you know Omi,there's also good bacteria,not all bacteria is bad"


It had been what seemed to be countless weeks so much so that Sakusa had begun to understand Atsumu's schedule. Wake up.Flirt with stupid and then go back to sleep. Sakusa thought that Anyways, he wasn't sure if that was all Atsumu did. "Omi-kun are you my homework? Cause I wanna slam you on a desk and do you all night long" Atsumu winked,doubling the affect of the cheesy pickup line.

Sakusa's cheeks turned red. "Shut up, Berry b. Benson" Sakusa retorted,clearly flustered. "I-so mea-" Atsumu paused mid-sentence when he realized Sakusa was blushing. "I see how this is, I bet you wanna kiss me so much right now huh?" Atsumu teased,his voice all mocking. What surprised Atsumu was the following words from Sakusa.

" yeah ,well maybe I do"

"Wait what-Omi omi~ did I do it? Did I finally make you fall in love-" Atsumu was interrupted by a warm feeling on his lips. The warmth was gone as quickly as it had come.

Sakusa started to gag.he cringes. He had now shared 80 million bacteria with Atsumu. He quickly wiped his lips with his arm,until he felt like the germs were gone. "Does-does that answer your question?" Sakusa asked.  There was a silence. Sakusa turned his gaze from his arm to Atsumu. His cheeks-scratch That his entire face was red. "I-uh yeah actually,t-thanks Omi-kun~" he was clearly flustered but still tries to sound calm. It was a good look for Atsumu.
"Uhuh.whatever you idiot" Sakusa rolled his eyes.
"Yeah,But now I'm your idiot,


That was terrible-Sorry I haven't posted in a while I've been lacking motivation and just ideas to write/type. I'm gonna go on  Hiatus for about a month(or less). Hopefully I can get my motivation and ideas back. Thank you all so much for the love and reads,I really do appreciate it💕
- Author-San

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