Kagehina| The little sister

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Shoyo was sitting in his living room. Natsu was currently playing with his hair, braiding, tying up, knotting basically whatever she wanted. This was of course against Shoyos will , however he couldn't do much against his little sister's puppy dog eyes. "OW Natsu!" He cried out. She had tugged his hair a little too hard. 

"Sorry Nii-chan, I'm almost done though" She giggled. "Not funny..." Shoyo pouted. There was suddenly a loud knock at the door. Who could that be? Shoyo started to think. Well he had promised Kageyama that they could go practice volleyball together. Could it be Kageyama? 
"Oh poopy-" Hinata murmured.  Natsu got up and raced to the door. "Natsu Don't answer-" Shoyo yelled, trying to get up but slipped and face planted onto the carpet.  "Oh! Hiya Mister " Both of the Hinata's looked up. One in despair while the other one  seemed to be literally sparkling in joy. 

"Uh. Hi." Kageyama awkwardly spoke. "Is Hinata here?" Kageyama cocked an eyebrow. The little girl sure looked like Hinata. "Right In front of you!" The little girl puffed out her chest in confidence a wide smile on her face.  There was a loud sigh deeper inside the house and then rustling. "He means me Natsu"  Kageyama paused. Was this Hinata's little sister?  "Uh Hey Kageyama, This is kind of a bad time" Hinata was finally at the front door next to his sister. Kageyama snorted, Hinata's hair was braided in random places and tied upwards to other. Not to mention all the random tufts of hair sticking out.  "Hey! What's so Funn...." Hinata's sentence faded off once he realized his situation.

Shoyo's face went a bright red. "N-natsu did it!" Shoyo stuttered, pointing at his sister.  " Nii-Chan You're making it sound like I did a bad job!" The more miniature Hinata snapped back. 
Kageyama smirked at Hinata a mocking look on his face. Shoyo had a thought to wipe off that smirk.

"Say Natsu, How do you feel about giving Bakayama here a LOVELY hair style too? You can even make him pretty by using mom's makeup"  

"Wait what-" 

"YEAH!" Kageyama was dragged into the Hinata household by Natsu with a face of confusion. "Hold on-" Kageyama didn't want to pull away from the child, being scared that he would suddenly make her fly through the roof and into the atmosphere. " Come on Bakayama!~" Shoyo had a menacing smile on his face. "Dammit Boke-" 

There was a loud gasp. "Bakayama! there's a child here-" 

"Hey Mister what does "dammit" mean?" Natsu looked up at Kageyama, sitting down back in the living room onto the carpet. "Shit-" Kageyama cursed under his breath. "Nothing Natsu! Bakayama here is like the biggest idiot here, that's all" Shoyo nervously rubbed the nape of his neck. "HaAHa...." Kageyama glared at Shoyo. Shoyo was shivering. He was suddenly met with a hard tug from the back of his hair.

He winced. "Mmmmmm Nevermind. Mister Bakayama here doesn't have long enough hair in the back like Nii-chan" Natsu pouted, her grip on Kageyama's hair loosening. The little girl was  suddenly infront of Kageyama's vision, her big brown eyes suddenly inches away from his dark blue ones. "Hmmmmmm~ You have Pretty eyes mister. however this hair on your large forehead  is bothering me." Kageyama scowled at the comment. Shoyo burst out laughing. "PFTTT- BAHAHAAHA" Kageyama was so going to not set to Shoyo next time they had practice. 

"Shut up" Kageyama growled. "EeP" Shoyo shut up after that. " Stay still Bakayama!" Natsu grabbed a hairband and grabbed the chunk of hair that was between Kageyama's forehead. She tied his fringe up into a high ponytail. Shoyo was giggling. Kageyama felt heat rise to his cheeks. "Be quiet Boke!" He snapped.  "Bakayama, I'm done with your hair, you look fabulous!" The little girl chirped, clapping her small hands together. "Can I see-" Kageyama was about to get down when he was pushed back down by the little girl. "No. I'm not done!" She pouted, There was a strange aura coming from her that made Kageyama have a shiver sent down his spine.

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