The meme team special | No(all the) homo

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"How have you not died yet?" Oikawa asked,making eye contact with Mattsun. "Well you see,Yesterday we bought an entire vegetable" Mattsun answered. "A cucumber to be exact" Hanamaki piped in proudly. Oikawa tilted his head. "What the hell,how does that  have to do with not dying?"  Hanamaki sighed. "He doesn't understand us Mattsun,No Emo though" Mattsun shook his head sighing aswell. "All the Emo Maki,ALL the Emo" Oikawa squinted his eyes as them and sighed.

His phone rung suddenly,and at that Oikawa squealed like a little girl. "Iwa-chan's calling me! See ya later" Oikawa dismissed himself.  "So Maki,You thinking what Im thinking?" Hanamaki turned over to Mattsun. "Go follow Oikawa because the Author can't think of something for us to do?" Hanamaki asked.

"You know-Close enough" Mattsun shrugged. "So,After you princess," Hanamaki teased,getting up from the bench,and putting his hands infront of him in a "Go ahead" gesture. "No,You go first My lady," Mattsun remarked,doing the same. "I insist my dear wife,"Hanamaki's expression turned from playful to smug.  "Darling,It would be rude to not let a gorgeous man like you not pass first,"This took the cake for Hanamaki,his cheeks being dusted in pink. "No homo Bro" Hanamaki said. "Riiight~" Mattsun smirked as Hanamaki went ahead,following up after him.

"So you think he went to the cafe he and Iwaizumi always go to?"Hanamaki asked. "Probably." Mattsun noted as they walked in the direction of the little hole in the wall gem of a Cafe. Suddenly,Hanamaki pulled Mattsun down behind some bushes. "Watch out Mattsun! Oikawa and Iwaizumi!" Mattsun jerked down looking at where Hanamaki was pointing. They both watched the pair.Hanamaki was counting how many times Oikawa got playfully hit,While Mattsun was counting how many times Iwaizumi blushed.

Suddenly Oikawa leaned in and gave Iwaizumi a kiss. Mattsun and Hanamaki weren't fazed,rather they seemed smug.Why?You may ask,Well because they had expected something was happening between their Captain and Ace. "Hey Maki," Mattsun spoke. "Hm?" Hanamaki faced Mattsun. "Can  we do that,bro?" Mattsun asked. "Bro...Sure!" Hanamaki shrugged,they had worn each others Uniforms,shared the same drink and had done many other things that people could get the wrong idea about before.

They both leaned in,their lips closing the small gap between them. Mattsun snaked up his hands to Hanamaki's jaw,pressing him closer. "mMmMph-Mattsu-n" Hanamaki pulled away. "hm?" Mattsun pulled away his hands. "No Homo," Hanamaki said suddenly. Mattsun frowned and leaned closer. "No Maki,All the Homo" Mattsun whispered in Hanamaki's ear. A shiver went down Hanamaki's spine. "Mattsun...What do you mean?"Hanamaki asked. "Hanamaki,I want you to be my bae,not my bro" Mattsun confessed. " Bro-I mean Bae, I feel the same!" Hanamaki immediately accepted Mattsun,It would have happened anyway.

"Also I have something else to confess Maki," Mattsun looked at the ground an aura of guilt seemed to be intensely radiating off of him. "I was planning on rickrolling you today,Again"Hanamaki's face became one of sadness.

"Mattsun.." Hanamaki wiped a non-existent tear. "How could you" Hanamaki looked at him as if he had just been betrayed by his boyfriend. "I know,Im sorry" Mattsun frowned. "Mattsun,Instead of rickrolling me,how about we listen to "never gonna give you up" together?" Hanamaki suggested,his face softening. "Maki,Im swooning" Mattsun smiled. "I know"

And with that,They stopped stalking Oikawa and Iwaizumi as they headed home to go watch the music video together with their newly purchased cucumber.

Matsuhana is really fun to write about

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