Bokuaka | Merman AU (part 1)

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"Dude I think we caught something!" Bokuto jumped up immediately out of his bed as soon as he heard those words come out of his best friend's mouth,Kuroo. Kuroo and Bokuto were Trying to catch the kraken currently,Of course they didn't know it wasn't real and so here they are trying to Get something that doesn't even exist.

"HEY HEY HEY!!!!" Bokuto ran up the stairs and onto the deck of the Boat as he saw Kuroo pulling up the Fishing net. "UGH" With a final tug the net flung onto the Deck and a loud "thud". Bokuto ran over,opening up the thick net. He saw a glimmer of blue,excited he started to pick up the pace. Kuroo looked over to Bokuto. Though as soon as Bokuto had unwrapped what lay infront of him was not something he could believe he was seeing.

"Bro! Is that what I think it is-" Kuroo's eyes widened.A pale man whose hair was raven black and the tips of his hair just curled slightly.His face had long eyelashes and a thin nose.What had surprised both Kuroo and Bokuto was his Lower half.His stomach had sapphire blue scales that littered his skin. His legs however didn't exist instead it was a fish tail.The tail was Sapphire blue.In other words,This mysterious fish man was gorgeous.

"A merman?!!?" Kuroo and Bokuto yelled at the same time. "Hold on." Kuroo frowned. "Why isn't he waking up?" Kuroo asked himself. Bokuto's eyes widened "KUROO YOU KILLED HIM,WHAT THE HELL MAN" Bokuto cried. "Woah Bro chill-He's probably unconscious because of the force of the impact with the deck of the boat when I pulled the net up" Kuroo explained logically. Bokuto made an "O" with his mouth as he realized how much more reasonable Kuroo's explanation was.

"Should we throw him back in the water?" Bokuto asked curiously. "Do you really want to?" Kuroo cocked an eyebrow. "I-Well-I think we should since he probably has friends or something-" Bokuto tried to explain himself. Kuroo's eyebrow somehow rose even further up his forehead. "Alright Fine yeah I do want to keep him!" Bokuto confessed,he just looked really guilty. A groan of pain suddenly came from the merman. Kuroo jumped back in surprise. Bokuto flinched,his cheeks turning a dark pink as the Merman's eyes fluttered open.

Akaaashi groaned,He hurt everywhere,from the tip of his tail to his head. "Kuroo! He's waking up!What do I do?!?" He heard a voice. He realized he was out of the water and on a hard surface. His eyes fluttered open,adjust to the change of light. His gunmetal blue eyes met with wide golden ones. "Holy shit even his eyes are pretty-" The same voice spoke again,this time louder. Where Am I? Akaashi wondered. "Hey!Hey hey! You okay?" A hand swiped infront of his face. Akaashi's eye's widened. Humans? He suddenly realized how much trouble he could be in. He slightly sat up and pulled himself away from the human,not wanting to die. "Huh-Hey wait! We're not gonna hurt you!" Akaashi paused and got a clear view. There was a beefy guy who looked like a bird.There was another human he was extremely tall and his black hair was a mess.

Akaashi's back and head started to ache. "Ow...." Akaashi managed to say in his low soothing voice. "Oh yeah,Sorry about that" The human with messy hair said,rubbing the nape of his neck. "I may have pulled the net too fast,Im Kuroo by the way-" He got interrupted by the other guy. "HEY HEY HEY Im Bokuto-and Kuroo here was being an idiot and accidentally hurt you!" Kuroo glared at Bokuto and Bokuto glared back. What seemed to be a coughing and wheezing erupted from Kuroo. "What So funny?!" Bokuto Pouted. He's laughing? Akaashi frowned. "Me an Idiot? your one to talk Bro-" Kuroo continued to "Laugh". "Oh S-shut up!" Bokuto seemed all flustered. Watching the two humans bicker was kind of amusing.

"Ah." This shut them both up as they turned their attention to Akaashi. "Oh right you probably want to go back in the ocean." Kuroo noted,his face getting all serious. "Actually,I'd like to stay here for a bit if you dont mind.My friend Kenma got mad and I'd rather not be in his path of rage." Akaashi stated. "O-oh of course!" Bokuto's eyes seemed to sparkle. Kuroo smirked at Bokuto. "Hey-I'm not gonna do anything so stop that!" Bokuto pouted. Actually he's kind of cute.

Bokuto walked over to Akaashi picking him up bridal style. Akaashi flinched at the sudden touch. "So uh Where do you want to go?" Bokuto's cheeks were dusted with pink. "Anywhere," Akaashi replied. "Hey! Im still here you know" Kuroo called out. "Okay,lets go the bedrooms then,You can have kuroo's bed if you want-" Bokuto offered. "Dude!" Kuroo gasped dramatically, holding his right hand over his heart.

"Okay." Akaashi nodded. "Not you too!" Kuroo sighed. "Oh I believe I forgot to introduce myself. Im Akaashi Keiji," Akaashi said as he was carried away to what seemed to be "The bedrooms". He was laid down on a soft surface. that he sunk into,It felt quite warm on his scales. "Your name is really pretty Agaashee-I mean everything is about you is really pretty but like still-" Bokuto's mouth kept running about how Akaashi was so beautiful. "Bokuto-san,Please stop" Akaashi's face was pink,the tips of his ears also seemed to be pink. "Oh-Sorry aHa..." Bokuto chuckled awkwardly realizing calling another guy pretty,was a bit uncommon.

Akaashi suddenly yawned feeling tired. Bokuto realized it was probably late. "Are you sleepy 'Kaashi-" Bokuto asked a stupid question. "Yes Bokuto-san." Akaashi's eyes became half-lidded. "Here lemme tuck you in 'kaashi" Bokuto grabbed Kuroo's blanket and pulled it over Akaashi. "Good night Akaashi!" Bokuto chirped. Akaashi only replied with a "mpfh"

I'm an Akaashi Simp/Stan if you haven't noticed. Im currently in Bokuaka brainrot :) . Part 2 will be posted tommorrow ^^

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