BokuAka| Leg sleeves or Pants?

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Akaashi was always wondering whether Bokuto wore leg sleeves or actual pants underneath his volleyball shorts. "Hey Hey HeY!!!!! Adfdkhfuvndsaashi you wanna stay overtime to practice?" Bokuto had a wide grin on his face. Akaashi nodded,He decided this would give him the perfect opportunity to find out. After their teamates had left after practice Bokuto and Akaashi got straight to practicing.

Akaashi felt sweat drops roll off his chin and onto the gym floor. "Bokuto-San I think we should go now,It's getting late." Akaashi stated. "Awww,Okay Afdhbvidsbfaashi!" Bokuto had formed a depressed expression on his face which was quickly replaced with a smile. They headed to the Club room to change out of their uniforms.

Bokuto pulled his shirt off and folded it then placed it in his locker. Akaashi thought of this was a good time to find out. Akaashi walked over to Bokuto pinning him against the lockers firmly. "Hah????Akaashi!?!?" Bokuto's face flushed red. Were his Fantasies going to come true???

"Stay Still" Akaashi said,raising one of Bokuto's legs up. Akaashi's long thin fingers softly felt their way up Bokuto's thigh. "P-please be gentle-" Akaashi suddenly felt skin and realized they were leg sleeves all along.

He slid his hand away from Bokuto,dropping Bokutos leg. "What are you talking about Bokuto-San?" Akaashi tilted his head. "Im not trying to harm you." Akaashi had a confused expression on his face.

"O-oh Okay,Uh Nothing" Bokuto laughed nervously,his face growing even redder. "Apologies if I surprised you I was just curious about something" Akaashi smiled. Akaashi was one of those people with a "Million Dollar smile" (I mean in general I think his looks would attract way more than one million dollars) . Bokuto felt extremely blessed to be in a smiling Akaashis presence.

"Anyways good Night Bokuto-San" Akaashi nodded and walked out of the club room gracefully. "Good Night Asdhshsdshsadsdkjashi!" Bokuto yelled back.

I'm gonna type Akaashi's name properly from now on

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