Iwaoi | Royalty AU(Part 4)

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"So It turns out your the reason why Oikawa is gone every night, Might I ask what are you doing with our son?" Mattsun raised an eyebrow. "Son?" Iwaizumi squinted his eyes. "Ah nevermind,  Plot twist: We don't care~~~ Yay~~" Hanamaki replied "So you aren't going to tell others?"  Iwaizumi questioned, Relaxing a bit. "Mmm, Maybe" Hanamaki shrugged looking at Mattsun. "Anyways my dude, You should get going now," Mattsun smirked. Iwaizumi nodded, hopefully nothing bad would happen.

Oikawa woke up, his eyes slowly fluttering open. He smiled as the thoughts of what happened last night before he went to sleep came back to him. Wait, Last night. His cheeks were dusted with pink.  "Hey." Oikawa shrieked and realizing Makki was on one side of his bed and Mattsun on the other. 
"AHHH WHAT THE HELL" He sat up pushing himself against the headboard of his bed, trying to get away from their sudden closeness. "So how was your date?" They both asked at same time. "Who let you in here?!" Oikawa never bothered to respond to their question wanting answers of his own. "He did" They both answered pointing finger guns to each other. Oikawa sighed. "Whatever, Get out. Now." Oikawa glared at them. Mattsun grabbed Hanamaki's hand in his own and dragged him away.  Oikawa found the concealer and put it on by himself covering up the dark eyebags. He yawned. He prepared himself for the day. He opened the door of his room  and walked into the large hallway to be greeted by whispers and strange looks. Other then that the castle was pretty much quiet. When he got to the dining room his mother was quiet. "Son." The King spoke, which was very rare. Oikawa's eyes widened. "There are rumors going around that you have a lover, Is that true?" His father questioned.

When Iwaizumi had woken up and checked his clock he had started to panic. It was 10:30 AM way past when his shift started. He quickly slipped on his uniform and headed outside. Luckily, for Iwaizumi his great care and time that had affected the grounds so it had kept the amount of his work little. He headed to the Royal garden recalling seeing some unkept underbrush and plants.  Oh right, Last night. His face tinted a light shade of red but the red didn't stay for long. He grabbed the tools and started to clean up the Royal garden of wild, unkept, plants and got rid of weeds along the way. 

Oikawa felt a small panic, but quickly pushed it down as he plastered an innocent smile on his face. It was one of the things Oikawa was good at, Pretending. "Of course not Father," Oikawa lied, thinking that  he would let Iwaizumi decide when he wanted to reveal their love. In a month's span of course. "Don't lie to me." The king frowned. Shit. "Okay fine." He sighed, there was no use trying to lie even further it would just make the situation worse.  "Though I won't tell you who!" He blurted out. Oikawa's Mother raised an eyebrow. His father grunted and nodded his head slightly, deciding to let his wife do the rest of the talking. "Is there a reason you won't tell us?" Oikawa's mother asked. Oikawa just simply nodded. "Alright, We wont pry until you're ready, Okay sweetie?" She gave an understanding smile. "Okay, Thank you " Oikawa rubbed the nape of his neck, feeling relieved his parents were so easily swayed to be supportive.  He chuckled lightly. "Is that all?" He asked. "No, Just a reminder you'll have to tell us in a week or you'll marry Prince Wakatoshi, you know how good it would be to be paired with Shiratorizawa, You're dismissed." Oikawa's mother replied earnestly. Oikawa nodded. He walked out of the room and into the barely noisy hallways a smile on his face. He was thinking about visiting Iwaizumi on the castle grounds.  

"Iwa-chan~~~~" Iwaizumi turned around, holding a Garden cultivator in one gloved hand. "Oh its you Shittykawa," Oikawa practically jumped onto Iwaizumi, wrapping his legs tightly onto Iwaizumi's waist. He hugged Iwaizumi's broad shoulders with his arms while digging his face under Iwaizumi's chin, nuzzling him. "I missed you Iwa-chan~" He whined. Iwaizumi dropped the garden cultivator and swayed at the weight .Strangely enough he was strong enough to keep his feet planted. He sighed.  "I have work Idiotkawa," He embraced Oikawa back, patting his back lightly.  "Why are you so mean to me in the day?" Oikawa pouted. "Do you prefer Shittykawa?" Iwaizumi cocked an eyebrow. "Fine! Idiotkawa,Then!" Oikawa remarked as he preferred not to be called such a vulgar thing. Oikawa sighed. "Hey Iwa-chan?" Oikawa moved his head to the side a little so he could look up properly at Iwaizumi. "Hm? What is it?" Iwaizumi looked down at Oikawa's pretty face and into his brown eyes. "When do you want to tell people about us?" Oikawa asked, his eyes beady and impatient though no matter how much he wanted to tell everyone Iwaizumi was his, he respected Iwaizumi both as a person and his dearest love. 

Iwaizumi thought about it.  He let out a warm sigh, his expression softening. " Whenever you want Toru," Oikawa blushed lightly. Over-enjoyed, "Okay! Tonight, Lets tell my parents tonight!" Oikawa almost yelled excitedly. Tonight? Iwaizumi felt that was a little early but if Oikawa was fine with it he decided he was fine with it.  "Alright, Can you get off now? " Iwaizumi tried peeling Oikawa away. No luck. "Nooo~~ Just a few more seconds~" Oikawa dug himself closer to Iwaizumi taking in his scent feeling better every few moments.  "You're lucky I love you" Iwaizumi sighed.  "Alright off you go." Iwaizumi let go of Oikawa, startling him. Oikawa slid off of Iwaizumi and onto the ground. "My hair~" Oikawa groaned, He had fallen onto the dirt, his hair now messed. Iwaizumi ignored him and picked up his garden cultivator and other tools. He continued his job as Oikawa got up and rubbed his head dramatically. "Bye bye Iwa-chan~~ See you tonight!" Oikawa called to Iwaizumi before getting out of the garden. 

The sun had just barely fallen and Oikawa had asked his parents to meet him and his mysterious lover in the ballroom in about 30 minutes. He and Iwa had agreed to meet up in the Garden 10 minutes before. Oikawa had worn one of his suits that displayed the Kingdom's color as prince it was sort of mandatory. He had decided to wear his glasses. When Oikawa had arrived at the garden, specifically where the Evening Primoses were his breath had hitched, taken away for just seconds. Iwaizumi had just worn a standard Black and white suit, which made Oikawa question who gave Iwaizumi the rights to look so good. He noticed Iwaizumi's cheeks were dusted with red. "Y-you look cute," Iwaizumi had never seen Oikawa with his glasses. "Are those real?" Iwaizumi asked. Oikawa smiled. "You're even cuter Iwa-chan~ and Yes these glasses are %100 not for fashion!" He announced. "S-shut up," Iwaizumi? stuttering? Who knew? "Anyways are you ready to tell them?" Oikawa walked over to Iwaizumi, grabbing his hand. Their fingers intertwined. Iwaizumi took a deep breath and exhaled. "Yeah," Oikawa squeezed Iwaizumi's hand lightly. "So you wanna start heading over now?" Oikawa asked. Iwaizumi just nodded. 

Iwaizumi and Oikawa had reached the ballroom entrance ,the 10 minutes had gone by rather  fast. He opened the door.

"Long live the cliff-hangers!" Author-san yelled, pushing the reader off the cliff.

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