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Kenma looked over at the corner of his screen of which it read "1:37AM" He sighed and went back to playing games.

It was 5AM by the time Kenma decided to sleep,of course it took awhile for him to settle down and actually get sleep.

Kenma woke up to loud knocking,He checked his phone.There was some texts from Kuroo saying that Kuroo was going to come over and do a check up on Kenma.

Kenma sighed groggily.He got up in his pajamas and shuffled over to the door and opened it.Yawning and blinking tiredly.

"Kenma did you go to sleep later than you should have??I told you not to stay up,That's not healthy especially looking at your device that long" Kuroo scolded. Kenma shut the door on him. "What-Hey!Open the door-" Kenma sighed and opened the door again.

Kuroo happened to be leaning against the door. Kuroo fell onto Kenma pushing them both to the floor of Kenma's home."Ow..."Kenma groaned. "Sorry" Kuroo got up holding a hand out to Kenma. "You okay Kitten?" Kenma got up,Not taking Kuroo's hand. "I told you to stop calling me that." Kenma murmured. "Right,Right." Kuroo nodded.

Kenma led Kuroo into his home quietly,shutting the door. "Have you had Breakfast yet?" Kuroo asked. Kenma shook his head opening up his fridge that was mostly empty except for the Diet Coke cans and took one out,Then proceeded to get a bag of honey Buddha chips(Mystic Messenger fans where you at-) .Kuroo stared,Getting concerned for Kenma's health.

"Kenma is that all you have???!!" Kuroo exclaimed.
Kenma shrugged and took a sip of the coke. "Soda's not healthy!" Kuroo shook his head in disbelief. "But it's Diet Coke,DIET" Kenma reasoned. "That doesn't mean it's good for you,Come On we're going grocery shopping" Kuroo grabbed Kenma's hand and dragged him to Kenma's room."Go change." Kuroo stood there watching Kenma. "Can you go away?" Kenma asked,wanting some privacy.  Kuroo nodded "Alright,Dont take too long"

Kenma slipped on a White hoodie,It was probably Kuroo's at some point based on the size and then some black Skinny jeans.He put on some basic white socks and opened the door to see Kuroo waiting. "Okay.Lets go." Kenma nodded heading towards his Front door slipping his sneakers on. "Hold on is that my Hoodie?" Kuroo asked,Curiously. Kenma shrugged,going over to the Charger and unplugged his switch taking it with him.

Kuroo drove them both to the store,having to occasionally save Kenma from crashing into something getting a few looks from others but that didn't matter. "Alright you can head into the car I'll just load the groceries by myself" Kuroo Dismissed Kenma putting the Groceries into the trunk and then getting in and drove Kenma home. Kenma handed Kuroo the Keys his eyes glued to the screen. Kuroo sighed switching some bags onto his other arm opening the door and setting the Groceries onto the counter and started cooking.

"Kuroo don't burn the house down." Kenma warned. "How rude,Be more respectful to your elder and I know how to make Pancakes." Kuroo made a Dramatic Shocked Expression,flipping a pancake. "Your only a year older than me." Kenma grumbled.

Kuroo had finished the Pancake and topped it off with whipped cream and some berries.He went over and sat down with the plate,Kenma Squeezed between his Legs sitting down "Woah-Kenma put your Switch down and eat or else Im grounding you" Kenma hissed at Kuroo.  Kuroo confiscated the switch from Kenma's hands and set it aside.  "Your not my Dad." Kenma grumbled. "No But I can be your Daddy-" Kuroo remarked,Kenma glared at him,His cheeks were flushed With pink. 

Kuroo reached over,pressing up against Kenma dropping the plate onto kenmas lap. "Thanks Kuroo." Kenma murmured digging in.  "Mhm Just Remember to take care of yourself properly,That means getting sleep and eating healthy foods" Kuroo replied, Playing with Kenma's hair. Kenma put the plate on the other side of him and onto the cushion feeling Sleepy.

A Few moments had passed when Kenma had laid his head against Kuroo's chest that Kuroo realized Kenma was fast asleep. Kuroo chuckled softly and wrapped his arms gently around Kenma,closing his eyes as well.

Yay over 600 words ^^

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