Yakulev| Coffee shop AU

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Yaku had long worked at a small coffee shop that was a hole in the wall place. In other words not many knew of it, but Yaku liked how quiet the place was. Yaku's peaceful day would soon be ruined.

Yaku hummed softly, at the register. It was raining heavily outside though the walls and windows of the coffee shop tuned the sound of rain hitting the pavement with loud thunderous steps to light pitter patters. "Peaceful isn't it?" Yaku turned around to see his beautiful co-worker, Akaashi. "mhm, Yeah" Yaku agreed, making eye contact with Akaashi. Their stare was interrupted by loud laughing and the jingle of the bell that was at the entrance of the coffee shop. Yaku felt a vein pop from his forehead, annoyed that the peace was no longer existing. Akaashi headed to the other register. Yaku looked over at the entrance to see 3 insanely tall guys. They all had some decent build except for one who seemed beefier than the rest.  They were all drenched and laughing. Suddenly Yaku made eye-contact with the one that had silver hair and green eyes. The other boys pale face's cheeks turned into a pink.  

Lev pushed open the door of this coffee shop that seemed to be the closet thing to the trio when it had started raining heavily. Kuroo and Bokuto's laughter continued, they were both wheezing at this point. What's so funny? Well Bokuto and Kuroo's hair that usually stuck up were both down and infront of each others faces which seemed to be the funniest thing. Lev panted, catching his breath. He looked around. His eyes drifted around the shop until he saw a small tuft of creamy brown hair which interested him. He looked down,having to use his head inorder to make eye contact. Lev felt his cheeks heat up. The boy was incredibly cute and very short. "Hey Kuroo, Bokuto you wanna get some hot chocolate?" Lev nudged Kuroo, Who had stopped laughing, instead he had his usual smirk plastered on his face. Bokuto seemed awfully quiet. Concerned, Lev looked over at Bokuto, who was staring in awe. Lev followed Bokuto's gaze to a very pretty man. "Bro you should ask for his number," Kuroo elbowed Bokuto playfully. "N-no way-" Bokuto seemed nervous which was highly unusual. Lev sighed, tired of being ignored. He walked up to the Cute boy at the register.

Yaku had to tilt his head upwards in order to meet eyes with the other boy. Yaku frowned. "Hi. What would you like?" Yaku asked, feeling irritated that the boy and his accomplices had ruined the warm atmosphere that was previously displayed in the shop.  "Hm, Can I have your number?" The taller answered. Yaku cocked an eyebrow. "Is that all?"  The silver-haired boy shook his head then responded. "OH, and a hot chocolate!" He smiled causing Yaku to feel all fuzzy inside. Of course he didn't show it. "With some S' Cubes as sweet as you please" Lev quickly added. Yaku frowned. "Sir we don't sell Salt Cubes here" Yaku deadpanned. The other guy with black hair had started to wheeze,or cough? Yaku couldn't tell. "Aw,Alright" The tall boy pouted, looking at the ground. Yaku immediately regretted what he said. "But...We do have Sugar cubes if you want some?" Yaku offered. The boy nodded. "Can I have your name?" Yaku asked,picking up a sharpie. "Lev~" The boy chirped. "Alright.I'll be out in a few minutes."

Lev looked over to Kuroo and Bokuto. Kuroo gave him a thumbs up, wiggling his eyebrows. Lev snorted. "Excuse me, If your ready to order you can come over here" The other cashier called out to Kuroo and Bokuto. Kuroo   pushed Bokuto forward who tried to appear confident but failed miserably. Lev smiled at how nervous Bokuto seemed and how pink his cheeks were while talking to the pretty human.

"Alright,Done" Yaku walked over to the counter to give Lev his drink and a small container of sugar cubes. "Thank you Chibi-chan" Lev lightly teased, the nickname reminding Yaku that he is under the average height. A vein popped from his forehead, he smiled menacingly and cracked his knuckles. "Your welcome Lev.Now I suggest you go sit down." Lev yelped at the sudden show of anger, don't mess with short people. "Ok,ok," Lev nodded aggressively and walked over to a table. He read the cardboard label that wrapped around the cup, he looked at the name section and saw in big, bold, but neat handwriting was "LEV". below it was "Yaku Morisuke, PH#: XXX-XXXX-XXX". He smiled to himself.  "Yaku Morisuke...." He suddenly sneezed, still a bit wet from the rain. He took a sip from the hot chocolate hoping to warm himself up but instead burn his tongue. The bitter pain staining his tongue.

I've never seen a Yakulev coffee shop AU so I thought i'd write one. hope this was okay ^^

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