Iwaoi | Staring

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Iwaizumi couldn't take his eyes off of Oikawa. He hated to admit it to Oikawa,But He found Oikawa to be incredibly gorgeous. They were a watching a movie and Oikawa had fallen asleep on Iwaizumi's shoulder. Iwaizumi's eyes traced Oikawa's somehow feminine yet Masculine face. He noticed featured he usually wouldn't,Like how beautifully pale Oikawa was and peaceful he looked. Oikawa snored softly. 

Iwaizumi's cheeks were dusted with a hot pink,his expression soft and adoring. He couldn't help but run his fingers through Oikawa's fluffy hair. Oikawa giggled his eyes slowly fluttering open. The movie suddenly seemed to not matter.  "Iwa-chan~" Oikawa smiled at Iwaizumi. 

Iwaizumi withdrew his hand away from Oikawa turning his head to the Tv. He couldn't stop his eyes from looking back to Oikawa,whose attention was to the tv screen. His eyes sparked in interest they seemed busy with the movie. Iwaizumi went back to staring intensely at Oikawa admiring his features. 

"Iwa-Chan If you keep staring at me like that you might fall in love with me" Oikawa joked,his eyes glued to the Tv. Iwaizumi blushed lightly,confused of how Oikawa noticed. "TrashyKawa,We've been married for 3 years and to this day I still dont know why." Iwaizumi lied. 

" But Iwa-Chan Im your Trash, and I dont know to this day why you cant except the fact that you should be grateful that your married to a beautiful god like me! " Oikawa teased. Iwaizumi's face almost spoke for him,his face basically read "Are you kidding me?"  He glared at Oikawa. "Yeah Sure."  Iwaizumi grunted. 

" Hey Iwa-Chan" Oikawa spoke softly after the movie had ended. "Mhm?" Iwaizumi turned his head to his husband. "I love you" Iwaizumi's cheeks were dusted with a light pink. "Me too." Iwaizumi mumbled.  Oikawa gave him a light kiss. "Hey Iwa-chan can you carry me?" Oikawa asked,yawning. 

Iwaizumi sighed. "Just this once Toru." Iwaizumi suddenly said making a flustered,but still tired Oikawa. "Thanks " Oikawa laughed lightly.  

Double update ^^


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