Bokuaka|Late Night Comforts

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Bokuto was extremely tired,His Day had been quite rough.Luckily He was almost home where he could rest,His parents were on a business trip though had texted him that Akaashi Keji would be awaiting him and staying for the night.Bokuto's parents and Akaashi's happened to be in the same project, having to go with Bokuto's Parents on the Trip.

Bokuto took the key from under the doormat,He felt a little better that he could be with Akaashi. He unlocked the door and slid the Key back to its place lazily. Akaashi was reading a book on the couch.He noticed Bokuto had entered.

Akaashi stood up and walked over to Bokuto. Bokuto quickly slid off his bag rushing towards Akaashi,Hugging him tightly,having to arch his back slightly,burying his face into the nape of Akaashi's Neck feeling comfortable.

"Hello Bokuto-San.Are you alright?" Akaashi spoke in a soothing voice gently embracing Bokuto back. Bokuto grunted. Akaashi realized He must have finished his day in his Emo mode,Oh no. "Would you like to talk about it?" Akaashi ran his fingers through Bokuto's spiked up hair softly seperating the little knots. "No..Hey Agsdhadhashi?" Bokuto said,His voice Muffled. "Yes Bokuto-san?" Akaashi replied calmly. "Can We lay down? Like on the Bed?" Bokuto's face slightly flushed red.Not that Akaashi would know."Of course" He let go of Bokuto,Bokuto doing the same quietly following Akaashi to the bedroom. 

Bokuto snuggled up to Akaashi,hugging him.Their legs intertwined with each other,shifting until they were both comfortable. Akaashi Quietly hummed playing with Bokuto's hair gently,Affection filled his gaze. Bokuto smiled. "Thanks Akaashi I feel better." Bokuto had Said Akaashi's name correctly which was kinda rare. "Mhm." Akaashi murmured, removing his hands and allowing Bokuto to sit up,their legs untangling.

Akaashi Sat up as well,a Few moments after Bokuto. Bokuto stared at Akaashi's features looking him up and down.He Caught Akaashi's eyes,and his long black lashes.If Bokuto had to Choose his Favorite thing about Akaashi's Appearance,it would have be his blue eyes.

Akaashi turned around to completely face Bokuto. He noticed Bokuto's face was slightly red. "Bokuto-San.You're staring" Akaashi Spoke. "Hey 'kaashi?You're really pretty." Bokuto said really Suddenly not thinking much of what he just said to Akaashi.

Akaashi's lit up in pink,looking away from Bokuto,Flustered. "Thank You Bokuto-San." He said in a Quiet tone. "Mhm,You just made my day better,So Thank you Agsdhsadhsaashi!" Bokuto Smiled widely. Akaashi tried looking at Bokuto but for some reason he was really bright,like Sunshine,it was blinding.

Anytime, Akaashi thought,With small smile on his face.

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