Daisuga | Wings AU

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Daichi's wings were a pretty common color and size,Dark brown and its length (Vertically) stretched from the nape of his neck to his hips. Though there are people born with wings that are an unnatural wing color. There are also wings that come in many different sizes. People whose wings had both traits were to have said to have been very special.

It was Daichi's first year in karasuno high school several days after he had met what he first thought was an angel. "Daichi!" Daichi turned around to see Suga. Daichi had mistaken Suga as an angel,Why ? You might ask well because,Sugawara Koushi's wings were filled white, Silver, and Grey feathers that at a certain angle you would think he's glowing.
"Hm?Oh hi Suga" Daichi replies,his heart beating a little faster at the sight of Suga. "Come On lets go eat,Asahi's waiting!" With That Suga tugged Daichi away. 

Daichi sat down beside Asahi and Suga did the same.They opened their lunches started to dig in. Suddenly laughing erupted from Suga as he was on his phone while eating. Asahi flinched at the suddenly noise. "AhaggahahaHhqahgagaahah! D-Daichi You've goth to seeb dif!" Suga scooted closer to Asahi pulling his phone Infront of Daichi and Asahi. Daichi went closer,Squishing Asahi. "Guys-Could you give me some room please-" Asahi said softly low-key scared.

Daichi stared at Suga's phone to see a cat and a cucumber behind it.The cat slowly turned around and noticed the cucumber. The cat suddenly jumped out of view and a low "thud" was heard a meow following after.

Daichi snorted, Trying to not spill his food from his mouth.  Daichi turned to see a laughing Suga.A wide smile on his face. Daichi blushed,How was  Suga so pretty? Daichi didn't even like men,Well he hadn't really an interest in any so he just assumed he was straight but Suga is starting to make him rethink his sexuality.

"Did you see the way it jumped-Oh Sorry Asahi!" Suga moved away.Daichi realized that Asahi's large wings were bundled against his own. "Oh-Yeah Sorry 'bout that" Asahi nods. "I'll be back." Asahi notes holding his empty lunch box in one hand. He walked away like a civilized person.

Daichi looked over at Suga.Maybe a little too long. "Huh?Is there something with my face-You wanna go Daichi?!" Suga grinned putting up his fists jokingly. Daichi's cheeks darkened as they made eye contact.Daichi realized Suga said something.Daichi became even more flustered."HUH-What?Uh ah no-It's just your really beautiful and I can't stop looking!" Daichi spoke in a rushed tone.Suga's face turned from mischievous to surprised to pink.

"Oh.T-thanks!" Suga smiled, his cheeks now a hot pink.

I dunno how to end this so this is how it ends 😔💅

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