Bokuaka|Odd Florist

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Akaashi entered the flower shop wanting to buy a banquet of roses for his mother. He walked around the shop looking around.The black haired boy noticed there wasn't any staff around.

He was walking towards the front counter when he spotted an odd looking plant. It was gray and had streaks of dark grey it looked awfully hairy. Curious,Akaashi reaches his hand forward. He lightly touched the plant before he felt it move.A bit freaked out,Akaashi flinched,pulling away.

Suddenly what was facing him wasn't a plant it was an odd looking boy that seemed to be around Akaashi's age. "Hey hey hey!" The boy yelled loudly in an excited voice.

Akaashi then realized it isn't a plant.Rather it was the hair of the boy. Akaashi's cheeks with dusted with pink,feeling embarrassed. "Oh I'm sorry I thought you were a plant" Akaashi stated truthly.

"It's alright" The boy replied with a smile. His name tag read "Bokuto" Akaashi then looked him up and down taking in his features.Bokuto was awfully muscular and was about an inch taller than Akaashi.

"So you need anything uh..." Bokuto paused. "Akaashi. It's Akaashi" Akaashi answered.
"Oh okay,So do you want anything Akaashi?" Akaashi nodded. "A banquet of roses" He answered.
"Okay!I can do that" Bokuto jumped up,though his head hit the ceiling causing him to fall quicker.

A yelp of pain came from Bokuto. Akaashi tried to hide his laugh but failed. Bokuto rubbed his head and got up looking embarrassed. "Alright I'll be out in a second" Bokuto headed into a hallway and opened a door disappearing into the room.

Akaashi smiled,The florist was quite amusing. A few moments past and Bokuto came out of the room with a banquet of roses in his hands. He put them on the counter as Akaashi reached into his wallet and payed. "Thanks for coming Akaashi! I hope you come again soon" Bokuto grinned widely waving goodbye to Akaashi.

With that,Akaashi came almost every day after whether he was buying flowers or not.

Hey hey hey it's my birthday

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