IwaOi|The Super Natural

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Iwa-chan I think my house is haunted!!! Come save me! >,<

    Read: 5:03 PM



Iwa-Chan!!! T^T Dont leave me on read!



              Oh Sorry didn't mean to open the Messenger

Iwa-chan! the doors are opening and closing on their own 😱

  I'm SO scared! please come save me!!!!!!

          Read: 5:08 PM                        

Iwaizumi grumbled to himself turning off his phone. He was curious of what Oikawa was talking about,well whether Oikawa was lying or not. He slipped on his shoes and headed out the door,Putting his phone in his pocket.

Soon enough He had reached the front door of Oikawa's home.

                                                                                                                                              Oikawasnumber1fangirl:                                                                                                                                Shittykawa open the door,Im here.


Iwa-chan!!!! You came TvT, Also I cant.                          

                                                                                                                                                   Oikawasnumber1fangirl:                                                                                                                  Why not?Dont tell me your scared?


No,No Its just that uh....Alright! I'll come though Dont blame me if you get Slammed in the face by a door.

Read: 5:31 PM


Iwaizumi heard footsteps approaching the door.He was quickly greeted by a shaking Oikawa. "H-hey Iwa-chan!" Oikawa plastered a smile on a face. "Alright. Im here what do you want me to do? Make the Doors stop moving?" Iwaizumi sarcastically asked.

"Haha very fun-" Oikawa was interrupted by a loud SLAM. "EEP!" Oikawa Jumped forward Iwaizumi instinctively caught Oikawa (Bridal style ofc). "Huh,You weren't lying" Iwaizumi Stated.

"Why would I lie???Also you should carry me like this more Iwa-chan Your really strong" Oikawa touched Iwaizumi's Arms feeling his muscles. Iwaizumi's face went a deep red "Alright Down you go."

He Dropped Oikawa Suddenly. "oof!" Oikawa exclaimed now on the floor. "So Mean Iwa-chan,Anyways,Im staying over to your place Until the exorcist I got,comes over here."  Oikawa casually invited himself. "An Exorcist? You really believe those?" Iwaizumi sighed. "Oh Alright, Come on" Iwaizumi started to walk back. Oikawa got up. "Iwa-Chan wait up!" Oikawa caught up to Iwaizumi,taking Iwaizumi's hand in his own their fingers intertwining.

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