Iwaoi | Royalty AU (part 3)

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"So This is Love,Mmmm~" A voice was singing from deep within the garden the dark night illuminated with stars. A shiver was sent down Iwaizumi's spine,the voice sounded passionate and soft. He cocked an eyebrow,if anyone found out about Him and Oikawa's night meetings he would get in deep trouble. "So This is loooveee~" The Voice interrupted his thoughts again. Iwaizumi sighed softly. He trekked ahead, "So This is what makes life divine," Iwaizumi crept closer to his and Oikawa's spot.The voice was getting louder as he got closer. "Im all aglow mmm~~"  Iwaizumi pushed some leafs out of his way,he stop midway. He paused, He saw Oikawa sitting by the Evening Primoses. His head tilted towards the sky.

"And now I knooww~~ The key to heaven is all mine," Oikawa sang clearly,his voice smooth like buttermilk.  "My heart has wings mmm~" He smiled to himself,light blush already dusted on his cheeks. "And I can flyy~~  I'll touch ev'ry star in the sky!" Oikawa paused for a moment, as he thought he had heard footsteps. He listened again,Nothing. He took a deep breath and exhaled. "So this is the Miracle I've been dreaming of....mmmmm~~~" His voice softened. "Mmmmm~" He hummed quietly slowly bringing  down his head. "So this is love~~...." Oikawa finished his song though his expression showed light shock. Iwaizumi stood infront of him,his eyes wide. Oikawa felt his face tint into a light shade of red. What came next was unexpected.

Iwaizumi lightly chuckled, It seemed like Oikawa's song had spoken the truth. He rushed over to Oikawa hugging him.This seemed a bit out of character but what could Iwaizumi do? He was absolutely smitten. 

"O-oh Hey Iwa-chan didn't see ya th-" Oikawa was interrupted by hands cupping his face and warmth spreading across his lips. Oikawa was taken by surprise to realize he had been kissed. He melted into Iwaizumi wrapping his arms around Iwaizumi's torso, snaking him closer to Oikawa to close the gap. Iwaizumi asked for an entrance. Oikawa gladly abided, He opened his mouth letting his tongue slip in. They battled for dominance, Oikawa winning. He was more experienced with these sorts of situations. He explored Iwaizumi's mouth tasting whatever he could. A low moan came from Iwaizumi. A shiver of pleasure traveled down Oikawa's spine. He wanted more, he knew he couldn't, not here anyway.  Oikawa Hesitantly pulled away,feeling the Evening Primrose shrub brush against his back lightly. 

Iwaizumi was a blushing mess.How was Oikawa so good? He stared into Oikawa's eyes once Oikawa had pulled away. They said nothing for a few moments both fully collecting what had just happened. A light hearted laugh came from Oikawa before Oikawa placed his head on Iwaizumi's shoulder. "Hey Iwa-chan?" Oikawa Whispered in his ear. "Hm?" Iwaizumi drifted his eyes to the back of Oikawa's head. " I think I love you" Oikawa whispered. "No Shit, Dumbass" Iwaizumi deapanned, ruining the romantic atmosphere. "Ow Iwa-Chan,Is it so hard to say you love me back?" Oikawa pouted,his back slightly arching for dramatic effect.

Iwaizumi sighed. "I love you,Toru" He whispered quietly,his cheeks tinting more into a crimson. Oikawa lightly blushed at the use of his first name. Iwaizumi slid his arms around Oikawa lightly hugging him. He didn't feel like moving. The embrace of his new lover was all he craved at the current moment. It seemed Oikawa agreed not making a sound.  They stayed like that for what seemed like seconds as time seems to flies by when your happy.  Iwaizumi rubbed Oikawa's back gently,yawning The sky was starting to light up. Oikawa hummed sleepily. "mm." 

Oikawa felt his legs being lifted off the ground.He wrapped his legs around Iwaizumi's waist, nuzzling his head into Iwaizumi's Muscular shoulders. He was mostly asleep but still somewhat conscious. "How did you get from your room to the garden Oikawa?Nevermind,I'll just find a way back..." Iwaizumi softly spoke to Oikawa. A goofy smile was on Oikawa's face. There was a slight bounce with Iwaizumi's steps but Oikawa didn't mind much.He just wanted to be with his Iwa-chan. 

Iwaizumi had found some old stones stacked like stairs coming from Oikawa's Balcony,He assumed Oikawa had put those there. "Hang on tight," Iwaizumi spoke, Though Oikawa seemed to be asleep he tightened his grip around Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi clambered up the stone make-shift stairs. He climbed over the balcony careful not to somehow slip and drop Oikawa. Oikawa's grip loosened as he fell into a unconscious state. This made it easier for Iwaizumi to kiss Oikawa's cheek, and ruffle his hair lightly. Iwaizumi gently set Oikawa down onto his bed,lightly brushing some hairs from Oikawa's face. A light smile spread across his face. "Bravo,Bravo," Two low voices that came from the corner of the room seemed to mirror each other that Iwaiziumi hadn't noticed their presences. Iwaizumi flinched, Had he and Oikawa been caught? Iwaizumi straightened his back looking over. "That was a wonderful show,Dont you agree Mattsun?" Iwaizumi recognized the voice as Hanamaki.  "Why yes It was quite wonderful my dear Makki,"  The other one had curly black hair and Eyebrows that looked like caterpillars.

Muahahaha a cliff-hanger, Whacha gonna do?Dum dum dum dum Whacha gonna do? Dum dum dum dum 

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