Kagehina| When the cherry blossoms fall....You choke on one?!?

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It was April, Which meant it was the perfect temperature for the Cherry blossoms around the school to bloom and fall.The perfect atmosphere to confess your love,Well in most situations anyway.

"Hinata! You Dumbass! How the hell are you choking on a flower petal?!?! What I should I do-Shit!The nurses office?No he'd probably die the time we would arrive." Kageyama was freaking out. "AGH-*cHoking noises*-Kageya-CouGH!" Hinata tried to tell Kageyama to calm down. Kageyama didn't know how to perform the Heimlich maneuver though he thought he could at least try.

Hinata was already turning as blue as Akaashi's eyes. Kageyama went behind Hinata pulling him close. Kageyama continued to punch Hinata in his stomach,making it somewhat worse. Suddenly Kageyama thrusted his fist into Hinata's abdominal muscles and the Petal flew out.

Hinata groaned in pain while he proceeded to throw up because of Kageyama punching him in the stomach several times before. "Boke Hinata Boke! Don't throw up all over both of us!" Hinata gave him a deadpanned face. "Its not my fault you don't know how to do the Heimlich maneuver!" Hinata stuck out his tongue.

Kageyama glared at him. Kageyama grabbed Hinata by the head,squeezing him. "Ow ow ow! let go Kageyama, Kageyamaaaaa!~ " Hinata whined.Kageyama let go pushing them apart. "Lets go change dumbass." Kageyama had reminded them that they both had Hinata's vomit on their clothing. "What did you even eat? It smells like shit" Kageyama looked down at Hinata with a look of disgust. "Say poopy!" "Shit" "Poopy!" "Shit shit shit shit!" "POOPY!!!!" Hinata yelled,clearly winning the battle of deciding which word is currently better. "race you to the nurses office for spare clothes!" Hinata dashed away. "Come back here you little shit!" Kageyama ran after him.

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