Kagehina| Corn Maze Chaos

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All of Karasuno had decided to go to a Halloween Festival,Sugawara and Daichi had gathered them all up. "Alright~ Everyone split into teams of two or three we're  heading into the Corn maze,The team that gets out first get to choose what to do next!" Suga Announced.

"TANAKA LETS ROLLING THUNDER OUR WAY OUTTA THIS MAZZEEE" Nishinoya leaped towards his best friend. "Not so fast,Im going to go with them." Ennoshita Looked over at Daichi and nodded. "AwWw" Tanaka and Noya said in Unison. "H-Hey uh Kiyoko-san?" Yachi asked Shyly.

Kiyoko nodded as if knowing what Yachi was going to ask. Tsukishima pushed up his glasses and started walking towards the entrance of the maze Yamaguchi ran after him. "Tsukki!" 

"Alright Then that settles it," Sugawara and Daichi dragged a confused Asahi into the maze with them the rest of the team followed in suit,All except for the duo. "So uh,I Guess that we're gonna have to beat Them Kageyama!" Hinata said Confidently.  "Yeah!" Kageyama replied.

Hinata jumped into the maze Kageyama followed doing his best to keep up. They had been walking around for quite some time now,Feeling Frustrated Kageyama spoke "Boke Hinata! Do you even know where we are?!?" Hinata looked around at kageyama.  "aHA...No! But, I have an Idea!" Hinata exclaimed.

"gASSspP! yoUR C-chOkINg Me!sToP ThaT!"    Kageyama hit Hinata in the side. "WooOOOAAHh!" Hinata swayed backwards a little increasing his grip. You might be wondering whats happening currently,well Hinata had clambered onto Kageyama's Shoulders to try and get a better view,though He was  accidentally choking Kageyama with his thighs,trying to reach forward.

"Sorry Kageyama! we just need to uh-" He looked over the maze. "Go left and then Right?-Were almost out!" Hinata smiled,excited. "Can you Get down then Dumbass?" Kageyama asked. "Noopeee!  onwards!"  Hinata Yelled.  Kageyama had taken a left and was about to take a right when suddenly he felt so tired.

"AHHH MAY DAY MAY DAY WHEEEEEEMMMMMM" Hinata screamed as they both rolled down out of the maze. Hinata had ended up on top of kageyama,Kageyama however was now groaning in pain from the sudden contact. "You guys alright?"

Kageyama looked up to see a concerned Daichi. "Yep!" Hinata pushed himself up and rolled off Kageyama. "You guy were the last ones out" Sugawara came up from behind Daichi. "oooh~~~~ What did you guys do?? Dont worry you can tell your Senpai" Nishinoya Whispered to Hinata. Hinata's face flushed red as soon as Noya said that. "Noya! Me and Kageyama Did nothing of that sort!I-i Swear!" Kageyama just looked so confused.

"Thats enough,By the way Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were all here when everyone came out so they get to choose what to Do next" Ennoshita pulling Noya away,Informing Both Kageyama and Hinata.

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