TsukkiYama|Dino Nuggies

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 "Hey Tsukki?" Yamaguchi Knocked on Tsukishimas door. Tsukishima heard the knocking and set his headphones on the desktop next to the papers."Come in," He turned around to see Yamaguchi open his door and come in with a plate of Dinosaur Chicken nuggets.

"Finally," Tsukishima stated. "Careful their hot" Yamaguchi smiled pulling up a chair and sat next to Tsukishima setting the plate down. Tsukishima Scoffed and took one anyway.He didn't look very happy at all well,On the outside at least.Yamaguchi knew that Tsukishima quite enjoyed the dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets and was probably very excited.

"Calm down.They aren't very hot." Tsukishima said, taking a bite. "Do you like it,Tsukki?" Yamaguchi had searched up a recipe of how to make the nuggets,Tsukishima on the other hand had no idea Yamaguchi had actually made them.

Tsukishima nodded."Mhm." Yamaguchi felt warm and fuzzy inside he liked being praised by Tsukishima. "Thank you Tsukki!" Yamaguchi exclaimed. Yamaguchi Couldn't help but hug Tsukishima.Tsukishima on the other hand nearly choked on a chicken nugget,being caught by surprise by the other's action. Tsukishima swallowed,A shade of pink dusting his cheeks.

"Eek! Did I just make you choke- Gomenasai(Sorry) Tsukki!~~~" Yamaguchi let go of Tsukishima,Genuinely concerned. Tsukishima finished his Dino nuggies pushing the plate away. Yamaguchi  picked up the plate and Got up heading towards the door. "Thanks." Tsukishima suddenly spoke slipping his headphones back on. Yamaguchi paused and smiled "Aw,Your welcome Tsukki" He walked out of the room. As soon as Yamaguchi left a Smile lit Tsukishima's face.

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