Iwaoi |Royalty AU (Part 5)

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Iwaizumi stared across the ballroom to see Oikawa parents dancing to the slow hum of the music. Oikawa cleared his throat loudly, interrupting their dance. "Oh your here," Oikawa's mom smirked while looking over at Iwaizumi.  "What are you smirking at?" Oikawa narrowed his eyes. "Oh I just had a feeling it was him" The queen made eye contact was her son. Iwaizumi felt a chill down his spine. An intense aura staring at him turned out to be the king.  Iwaizumi bowed slightly at the presence of the king. Oikawa's father just simply nodded.  "Iwa-chan, Do you want to dance?" Oikawa smiled, looking over at Iwaizumi and offering a hand.  "Sure," Iwaizumi grabbed Oikawa's hand as he got dragged away. Oikawa's mom smiled then looked over at her husband. "Our baby boy is growing up so fast" She sniffled dramatically. The king nodded. "Anyways, Shall we continue?" she asked getting a quick "mm." from the king as they continued their dancing on the other side of the room.

Oikawa put his left foot forward deciding to lead. Iwaizumi put his right foot back, Oikawa then doing the same with his right. Repeating those steps and swaying lightly every so often led them to do the waltz. "Hey Iwa-chan" Oikawa whispered to Iwaizumi. "Hm? What is it?" Iwaizumi whispered back. "Can we marry yet?" Iwaizumi choked for a second. "Iwa-chan?!" Oikawa whisper-yelled in concern.  "Shittykawa, Isn't it a little too early for marriage? Its not that I don't want to, its just I think we should take things a bit slow" Iwaizumi clarified. "I guess, But Iwa-chan I wanna marry you n o w" Oikawa pouted. Iwaizumi lightly head-butted Oikawa, not taking much effort as they were already only a few inches away from each other "Not yet you idiot,"  "Ouch! Your so aggressive Iwa-chan~" Oikawa whined playfully. Oikawa then lightly giggled, feeling warm and happy inside, being able to be with Iwaizumi was one of the little things he very much enjoyed. 

Iwaizumi felt himself growing tired. His eyes becoming half-lidded for a second then back to normal. Oikawa noticed his drowsiness. He stopped the dance, not moving. Iwaizumi looked up at him.  "What's wrong Oikawa?" His eyebrows slightly perked. "Y'know Iwa-chan if your tired you could just say so" Oikawa giggled.  Iwaizumi turned a light shade of red. "S-shut up"  Oikawa turned around, keeping one hand free and the other intertwined with Iwaizumi's.  "Hey uh, Iwa-chan's getting tired, So we're going to go back now, Thank you" Oikawa smiled at his parents. "Hm? Oh sure" Oikawa's mom felt a small smile climb up her face at the childish nickname.  "Have fun boys~ Oh Make sure to use protection!" She yelled after them. Oikawa's face went red. Iwaizumi choked. They quickened their pace out of the room, both feeling rather flustered. Iwaizumi yawned. "So, Iwa-chan" Iwaizumi cocked an eyebrow turning to look at Oikawa. "Wanna crash at my room? your house is kind of long walk" Oikawa stated nervously. "Sure." Iwaizumi was just exhausted at this point. 

They arrived at Oikawa's room getting a few looks from servants in the hall. "You can borrow some of my clothes" Oikawa looked in his dresser finding a plain aqua colored T-shirt and gray sweat pants. Iwaizumi undid his tie and took off his waistcoat. He then continued to unbutton his white undershirt, not caring much that Oikawa was watching. "I-iwa-chan!"  Oikawa yelped, flustered. Iwaizumi turned around to look at Oikawa. Oikawa had covered both of his eyes with his hands. He sighed as he turned back around, sliding the undershirt off his broad shoulders. He felt eyes staring him down.

Oikawa couldn't help but peeked out of his hand guard, adjusting his fingers. Holy shit, Oikawa knew Iwaizumi was muscular. But not that muscled, He couldn't help but stare. His eyes traveling Iwaizumi's back. "Oi,Loserkawa" Oikawa flinched moving his fingers to block his eyes again. Iwaizumi's hands pulled Oikawa's down. "If you're going to look you shouldn't cover your face,"  Oikawa now had a clear view of Iwaizumi.His eyes moved across vertically and horizontally over and over Iwaizumi's torso. He couldn't stop as he didn't want to. His face began to grow red. Iwaizumi reached over and slid the shirt on. It fit quite well, only being 2 inches shorter than Oikawa. He then removed his pants, slipping the sweat pants on. "You can go to sleep Iwa-chan, I'll change in a second." Oikawa smiled, traces of red still lit his cheeks. Iwaizumi nodded slipping under the sheets, turning onto his side and lightly closing his eyes.

Oikawa climbed in bed a smile on his face, Iwaizumi looked very pretty asleep. He scooted closer, facing Iwaizumi. Oikawa lay inches away on his side staring at Iwaizumi's face. Oikawa had wondered if Iwaizumi's hair was as spikey as it seemed. Curiosity killed the cat. Oikawa reached forward, extending his pointer finger. At first he lightly rubbing the spikey looking tips turned out to be pretty soft.This light rubbing turned into gently playing with Iwaizumi's hair and untangling any small knots he found. Iwaizumi let out a soft hum his expression tightening then relaxing. Oikawa panicked for a second moving away his hand only to be stopped. Iwaizumi placed his hand on top of Oikawa's. He slowly moved Oikawa's hand down to Oikawa's side. "Come closer.." Iwaizumi murmured.

 Oikawa obeyed, now only exactly 10 centimeters away from Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi pulled Oikawa in to close the small gap, Oikawa having to slightly move down due to being taller than Iwaizumi. Oikawa nuzzled his face into the base of Iwaizumi's neck having tangled his legs with Iwaizumi's. A soft smile lit his face, feeling warm and safe. He closed his eyes, letting his conscious slip away.

sdjasksdgadkgau I actually really liked how this one turned out.

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