Kenhina| Why eat caterpillars?

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My love for this rarepair is Astronomical

"Huh...Oh! Hey Kenma!" Hinata flipped open his phone recognizing the number to be Kenmas. A much softer voice replied "Hello Shoyo. Are you free?" Kenma mumble through the phone.

It was quite unusual for Kenma to plan something for them to do, it was mainly Hinata who would dare do such a thing. "Yeah Kenma, What's up?" Hinata perked an eyebrow up, curious but excited. "Can we meet up where we first met?" Kenma's voice got a bit quieter but Hinata understand. "Sure! What day and time?" He smiled. "Today At 3:30PM...."

"Okay,See you there!"

"Mhm....Love you"

"Yeah-Wait wha-"

Kenma quickly hung up. "So did he say yes?" Kuroo asked, Kenma was currently playing video games at Kuroo's house while Kuroo did his homework. "Yeah. I should get going. It's 3 right now" Kenma murmured.

Kuroo looked up his from homework and turned towards Kenma. "Okay,See ya later. Good luck" Kuroo did his usual crooked smile as Kenma sat up. "Mhm...." Kenma stood up, He slipped his switch into his large boy jeans's pockets. He soon left, Jogging towards the spot he hated getting tired but if it was for Shoyo it was A-Okay.

"H-hey Kenma!" Kenma looked up from his switch to see a running Shoyo,With his arm waving energetically. "Shoyo..!" Kenma's face lit up, A small smile crawled its way up his lips. He stood up as Shoyo hugged him, Kenma's stomach fluttering.

Kenma hugged Shoyo back, his grip less as tight as Hinata's. "So Kenma,What'd you want to do today??" Hinata giggled, letting go of Kenma. Kenma being forced to do the same. "Oh.. I just wanted to talk.."

"About!???...." Hinata tilted his head with a wide smile on his face. "Well, my feelings I guess.." Kenma barely got the words out of his mouth feeling extremely nervous. "Oh, okay, is there something bothering you?" Hinata's became one filled with slight concern. Kenma chuckled lightly. "Kind of."

"Well...Ever since I saw you I really loved you and now Every time I see you I get butterflies in my stomach..I love you Shoyo" Kenma mumbled,Lookin at the ground. His face extremely red. Kenma looked up to see Hinata's cheeks to be red. "How'd they get in there?"


"The butterflies how'd they get in your stomach?"
Hinata's face twisted into one of confusion.


"D-did you eat caterpillars? Kenma are you okay? Do I need to take you to the doctor-Should I remove the butterflies? Are they hurting you???" Shoyo looked very concerned.

"No-Shoyo it's just a hyperbole, I don't really mean it. I'm fine, I swear" Kenma smiled, it was really cute how Hinata was confused about the hyperbole. Shoyo nodded. "Good.." Hinata's face suddenly turned red.

"And... about the l-love part" Hinata glances at his shoes for a moment before looking back at Kenma.
"I really like you too Kenma, In fact I really love you too Kenma!" Hinata's eyes crinkled up,His smile expanding. It looks like the sun just lost its job.Kenma squinted his eyes.

"So..does this mean we're a couple now???"Hinata asked excitedly, hopping up and down. Kenma's eyes widened. The bleached blonde blushed.

"Yeah,I guess" Kenma shrugged. Hinata pulled Kenma into a hug. Kenma laughed softly. Hinata tenses up at this then relaxes. "Shoyo?" Kenma cocked an eyebrow. " sorry Kenma, I really love your laugh you just don't laugh often,"

"Do you want me to laugh more?"

"No! No, that's not what I meant it's just that the rarity of it happening is what makes it special" Hinata explained. Kenma booked his chin on Hinata's shoulder. "Oh, Okay...." Kenma closed his eyes softly, enjoying the moment.

"Hey Kenma," Hinata asked, not bothering to let  go of Kenma. Not that Kenma minded. "Yes Shoyo?" Kenma responded. "Can we get ice cream? I brought my wallet" Kenma let go of Hinata giving a soft nod. "Ok.." Kenma looked around, how were they going to get to an ice cream place? They both walked there by foot.

"Come on Kenma! It's just around this corner!" Hinata pulled Kenma around by his hand. "Shoyo slow down-" Kenma stumbled, almost falling over. Hinata didn't seem to hear him as Kenma was pulled around a street corner.

Kenma exhaled and inhaled, trying to catch his breath. "You Okay Kenma?" Hinata titled his head slightly. "Yeah..hah..." Kenma looked up to see they were in front of a shop titled "Sato's Icecream". Kenma sighed. "Okay let's go in..." Hinata nodded, going into the shop. Kenma following briefly.

"What kind of Icecream do you want Kenma???" Shoyo asked, his face being smudged against the glass which below it displayed the ice cream. " I'll have strawberry I guess," Kenma shrugged.  Hinata nodded looking up at the staff member. "We'll have two strawberry ice creams, in cones please" Hinata smiled, putting up two fingers. The staff nodded and starting scooping up the ice cream.

"Thank you!" Hinata waved at the staff as they walked out. " How's your ice cream Kenma?" Kenma bit into the strawberry ice cream. " Can I have a bite?"

"Shoyo we have the same ice cream."

"Oh,Right" Hinata's face became red in embarrassment. Kenma sighed. "Here you go Shoyo," Hinata's face lit up. " Thanks Kenma :D"
Hinata took a small bite and licked his lips after swallowing. "This is some good Icecream! " Kenma simply nodded in response. "Thank you for coming Shoyo," Kenma smiled lightly.

"Anytime Kenma!" Hinata put a thumbs up before taking a concerning amount of Icecream in his mouth. How is his brain not freezing? Hinata must be some sort of monster. A incredibly kind monster.

"Bye Kenma! I had so much fun, You wanna hangout later???"

Kenma smiled. "Bye Shoyo, of course I'd like to hangout later," Kenma didn't know when was "later" but it didn't matter, He knew he'd see Hinata anyway.

I originally had this idea for Kogagoshi but I decided to scrap it.

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