Bokuaka | Dancing in the rain

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Keiji yawned, waking up to the sound of rain pounding the windows of the Bokuto family residence. Keiji lifted his head just a bit, looking around for his dear husband in bed. Koutarou being nowhere to be found. "Mmm,Koutarou has already left for practice...." He murmured to himself. "Hopefully he took an umbrella," Keiji groggily pulled himself up and out of their white  queen sized bed. 

He stretched his limbs. Keiji then turned back to the bed to fix the blanket and sheets. After finally re-arranging the pillows back to their original place he walked to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He picked up his toothbrush and applied the blue minty  tooth paste to the bristles. Keiji flicked the switch of the electric toothbrush. Vrrrrrrrr  The bristles of the brush began spinning. The toothbrush itself vibrating in Keiji's mouth as he cleaned his teeth. 

He walked into the Kitchen that connected with the living room. The house was unusually quiet  but Keiji didn't mind. Even if Koutarou wasn't there the house was still warm and smelled like him. Keiji prepared a small cup of Coffee and sat on the teal and golden studded arm chair. He took a small sip of his coffee, careful not to burn his tongue. He looked outside at the rain drops that puttered and pattered on their driveway and into the street. Keiji smiled to himself as he took another sip  of his coffee.

 However his relaxing morning turned quickly to one filled with concern. He looked back out the window and saw a large moving figure. "Some idiot must be moving around in the rain without an umbrella," He murmured to himself. The figure got a bit closer. Something felt familiar about this idiot. Akaashi squinted his eyes, trying to focus on the figure. "Wait a second." Keiji's eyes widened. "That's my idiot!" He put his coffee cup down in a rushed manner and sat up from the chair.  He rushed to the front door where the coat hanger was and pulled out a black umbrella from the bottom of the coat hanger where there was a slot for such things.

Keiji opened up the umbrella then the door. "Koutarou!" He called out, rushing to his soaked husband of whom seemed to be hopping around and dancing. "Hey hey hey! Good morning my world!" Koutarou grinned widely, his eyes crinkling up. Keiji noticed how dark Koutarou's hair was. Instead of its usual spiked up nature his hair was flat on his forehead, in other words it was an unusual sight. 

"What are you doing out here?! You'll catch a cold!" Keiji questioned, his cheeks became a bit pink at the nick name. However his eyebrows compressed into each other. Giving off a concerned and confused look. "It's really nice out here though, I don't think I'll catch a cold. You always tell me how strong I am Keiji" Koutarou beamed proudly. "Kou, You are very strong but there is still a chance, and I'd rather not risk it, so please come under the umbrella with me so we can go back inside and dry you up" Keiji sighed lightly. 

"Aww alright," Koutarou slouched. The owl-looking man trudged towards the umbrella. Keiji was caught by surprise. "Koutarou the umbrella!" Keiji's eyes widened. Koutaro had grabbed Keiji by the waist and had pulled him into a hug. Keiji not expecting this, dropped the black umbrella. rain drops fell upon Akaashi's hair. Koutarou's large wet body was surprisingly warm, probably because of all the activity he had been doing previously in the rain.

Koutarou let go of Keiji's waist and looked down at his lover. Keiji's face of disappointment quickly changed when his gunmetal blue eyes met warm, familiar, golden ones. "W-woah!" Keiji's hand was intertwined with Koutarou's smaller hand. Koutarou pulled him out onto the pouring street. "Koutarou what are you doing?!" Keiji's hand was released as Koutarou backed away, offering his hand out. Koutarou bowed slightly. "Care for a dance?" Koutarou asked in a low somewhat seductive voice. Keiji paused. He had a feeling they couldn't go back inside until Koutarou was done. 

"okay, but after we dance were going inside okay Kou?" Keiji lay his hand on top of Koutarou's hand. "Okay, Keiji" Koutarou gave a small smile.  Keiji was pulled into a slow dance. Keiji gently raised an eyebrow. "I didn't know you could dance like this Koutarou" Keiji simply followed Koutarou's swaying movements the best he could. The rain drops lightly falling on them made the atmosphere friendly and relaxing. 

" My parents taught me when I was younger, in primary school. Well, they tried. I quickly got bored of it though." Koutarou chuckled softly after his quickly explanation. "Hm." Keiji hummed. "mhm" Koutarou murmured back. The rest of the dance being quiet and soft. 

"ACHOO!" Koutarou aggressively sneezed, stopping the dance. "Koutarou! I told you, you would get sick. We should go back inside now,"  Keiji scolded Koutarou. "Awh.... O'ay" Koutarou sniffled. Keiji sighed, pulling his 6'1 boyfriend into their driveway and into the door way. "Keiji~" Koutarou groaned. "No Koutarou, come on, you need to dry off, no more rain!" Keiji walked into the house, making sure his husband came in after.

Keiji pulled out two towels of the closet. He sighed. Keiji wrapped one around himself, then walked over to his husband and put the other towel on Koutarou's shoulder. Keiji inhaled then exhaled. "Keiji...." Koutarou's voice was soft and seemingly upset. "Yes Kou?" Keiji looked up at him. "Are you mad at me?" Koutarou's lip quivered. Keiji let out a small sigh. "Of course not Koutarou, why would I be mad at you?" Keiji stood up on his tippy toes and pressed a kiss to Koutarou's forehead. Having to move aside the wet strands of hair. He then put on his weight on the entirety  of his foot instead of just the front of his foot. 

"Because I made you stay in the rain and I probably have a cold now....." Koutarou looked down at the ground. "Koutarou...." Keiji's expression softened. "I'm not mad at you, infact I enjoyed dancing with you,"

"really?" Koutarou's warm golden eyes sparkled, the mood being lifted instantly. Keiji nodded. 

"Yes Kou,"

Oya? It's Akaashi's birthday! What a blessed time. I actually really liked how this one came out. I hope you did as well^^

Happy birthday Akaashi💕🎉🎂

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