Kagehina|First Date

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"Kageyama! Please Go out with me!" Hinata yelled his face covered in blush. "Ehh?!?!?" Kageyama blushed,Extremely confused. "Boke Hinata! What are you talking about?!?!"Hinata looked up at Kageyama in the eyes. "It Means I-i I UhH- IhaveFeelingsforyouandwouldliketodateyou?" Hinata said quickly.

"Oh.Sure Uh I Guess" Kageyama nodded. "Wait really?Uh Okay then you wanna meet up at the park-We can play Volleyball together!" Hinata hadn't expected to be accepted. "Uh Okay Sounds good," Kageyama was a bit confused but decided a date with Hinata wouldn't be that bad,Right?

After a while School ended the Two met up at the park.

"Kageyamaaaaa!~" Hinata jumped excitedly towards Kageyama, the volleyball in his hand. "Calm down Dumbass-" Kageyama noticed people staring at the two boys.

Kageyama and Hinata passed the volleyball back and forth for a while until they both got hungry. "Where do you want to eat?" Hinata asked, gripping the volleyball with both of his hands. "There's a Cafe nearby," Kageyama noted."..Let's go there!" Hinata Smiled,holding the Volleyball in his arm,Grabbing Kageyama's hand,Their fingers intertwined as Hinata pulled him along on their search for the Cafe.

The Human Tangerine and the human blueberry ate at the cafe,Almost Getting kicked out due to being too loud.Time seemed to pass so quickly,It was dark by the time the date ended and they were walking home together.

"Hey Kageyama,I had fun" Hinata Smiled. "Yeah,You uh wanna go out again?" Kageyama asked shyly, "Of course!" Hinata's face lit up.

AHH that was super rushed,Sorry!

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