UshiTen| Office AU

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Ushijima had just finished his shift.He got up out of his chair,slipping his jacket over his shoulders putting his arms into the sleeves. "Wakatoshi-kun~~~" A voice came from the entrance of Ushijima's cubicle. Ushijima turned around to face Tendou. "Hello Tendou. Is there something you require?" He asked. "Yeah,I got new the volume of Jump-Actually I was wondering if you wanted to hang out this evening?" Tendou grinned,His eyes half lidded like a relaxed cat.

Ushijima nodded. "Okay.I am ready to go now,Where would you like to go?" He pushed in his chair,fixing his jacket and neatly tucking his chair underneath his work desk. "Hmmmm,We could go to my place or yours" Tendou didn't seem to care which one. "How about my place?" Ushijima suggested,shrugging. "Sure~" Tendou got out of the way of the entrance as he followed Ushijima out of the building.

"It's always so clean when I come over" Tendou noted. "Yes,I prefer to keep things out of my way" Ushijima's deep voice rumbled from his throat. "Always thinking about yourself,same old Wakatoshi" Tendou murmured. "Is there a specific reason you wanted to come over?" He asked.

"Do I really need a reason to want to hang out with my Best friend?" Tendou smiled. "I suppose not.Would you like to watch a movie?I have some snacks and have recently bought some chocolate ice cream" Ushijima asked. "oooh Sure~~ Also did you buy the ice cream for me?~~~" Tendous face lit up (He canonically likes chocolate ice cream btw). Ushijima nodded "I Believe I had you in mind when purchasing,".

Tendou was scrolling through Netflix,trying to find a movie. He was on Ushijima's couch,curled up in a blanket that was luckily big enough to cover his entire body. (scary reminder that Tendou is 6'1, or 185.4 Cm). Ushijima suddenly sat down next to Tendou,a tub of ice cream in one hand and different snacks in tucked in his arm. A wide smile creeped across Tendous face that would seem very creepy on another's face but fit perfectly on Tendous.

"You wanna watch a documentary,Wakatoshi-kun"?" Tendou had decided to pick something that he thought Ushijima would like. Ushijima simply shrugged. "Sure,You may pick which one." Tendou found a documentary about eagles that peaked his interest and so he put it on.

Halfway through out the documentary Tendou remembered the main reason he had asked to come over. He thought for a second,Thinking about whether he should tell Ushijima right now or after the documentary.He decided that he would tell him after the documentary.He dug his spoon into the tub while gleefully enjoying the chocolate ice cream as he shoved the spoon into his mouth.

"That was quite interesting." Ushijima interrupted the short silence as the documentary had ended.
"Hey Waka?" Tendou looked over at Ushijima making eye-contact. "Yes Tendou?" Ushijima's face was as stoic as ever. "I-....I like you" Tendou confessed. Ushijima blinked. "I know." Tendou tilted his head. "Wait wha-" "I like you too,That is why you have decided To accompany me this evening?If I did not like you why would I have accepted?" Ushijima said blankly not knowing how dense he is.

Tendou let out a sigh that was followed by a small chuckle afterwords. "No,By that I mean I have a Romantic interest in you.Wakatoshi-kun" Ushijima made an "O" shape with his mouth. "Then wouldn't it have been better to say "I love you"?" Ushijima corrected him.

"I-Yeah,So I love you Wakatoshi-kun though you don't have to respond if you don't want to I just wanted to tell you" Tendou rephrased his sentence.
"Okay.Thank you for telling me Tendou I believe I Also happen to have some romantic interest in you" Ushijimas face had traces of....Blush? He kept his eyes locked with Tendou's.

"Oh phew I'm glad you feel the same otherwise it would have been real awkward Waka" Tendou's eyes became half lidded as his face softened into a relaxed expression. "Hm? Why would it have been awkward Tendou?" Ushijima tilted that thick head of his. "Haha Nevermind Waka,Anyways Do you want to date now or?" Tendou asked.  "That sounds pleasurable.I would indeed like that." Ushijima's usual stoic expression had turned into an incredibly rare smile.

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