Iwaoi | Royalty AU (part 2)

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It had been a week since Iwaizumi first found the prince in the garden by the Evening Primoses. Iwaizumi had visited the garden in the last few nights meeting up with the prince. Little had Iwaizumi known, He had fallen deep in love with Oikawa.

"I wonder what he wants to talk about tonight," Iwaizumi wondered outloud. He was putting on his uniform to go take care of the Castles grounds. Iwaizumi hummed as he headed towards the shed where all the tools were. Once he had arrived he decided to mow the lawn first today.  

"Ahh~" Oikawa yawned. He sat up from his bed thinking about Iwaizumi. Light blush crept onto his cheeks. "eeee~" Oikawa squealed. His heart beating faster. He closed his eyes tight. Oikawa exhaled slowly and smiled. He opened his eyes. "Iwaizumi Hajime, what have you done to me?"  He slid out of his bed going over to his dresser to grab his hair brush.He looked in the mirror.A look of horror came over his face. Dark  eyebags. He started to panic. Oikawa frantically searched for the makeup drawer trying to find concealer. There was a knock on his door.Oikawa froze.  A voice came from outside his door. "Hey hey~"  (Guess who?  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

Iwaizumi had just finished mowing,wiping the sweat off of his forehead. He sighed. Taking the mower back all the way back to the shed was going to be a pain. He noticed a pair of legs sticking out of the bushes that were close to an opened window from inside the castle. Confused,He cautiously headed towards the legs. "Hello?" Iwaizumi questioned. Suddenly the legs twitched,the persons knees bent inward catching the edge of the bush and dragged themself on top of the bush. It was a boy with light brown hair that looked pink. It was short like Iwaizumi's and had leaves sticking out of it. He had a smug but chill expression. "Yello?" He answered casually like he hadn't just been inside a bush seconds ago. Iwaizumi cocked an eyebrow. He guessed the boy was a butler or staff member of some sort in the castle. "Uh,You alright?" Iwaizumi asked,a bit concerned. "yup,me and Mattsun just made a catapult and being the kind gentlemen he is,he catapulted me out of the window and into this bush, Its quite comfy by the way" He explained casually.  "Oh-Wait what?!" Iwaizumi was a bit freaked out.A catapult? How and why? "Oh Im Hanamaki by the way, I assume your the new groundskeeper?" Iwaizumi nodded. "Uh yes,Im Iwaizumi,Are you really okay?Do  I need to get the doctor? Thats quite the fall"  Hanamaki nodded, Putting a thumb up. "Dont worry dude this happens all the time" Hanamaki claimed. "If you insist..." Iwaizumi was a bit weirded out but decided to go back to finishing his tasks.

Oikawa sighed in relief. Thank god,It was just Mattsun.Oh right,It was Mattsun. Oikawa frowned. "Come in Mattsun." He heard the door click open as Mattsun entered the room. "So Makki got stuck in the bushes. Agai-" Mattsun stated. "Yo whats up with the eyebags? Sneaking out somewhere? thinking about someone?" Mattsun wiggled his eyebrows reminding Oikawa of inchworms. Oikawa knew he could trust Mattsun with practically anything as they had known each other since they were basically 5, along with Makki. "Okay first of all, Im hanging out with  Iwa-chan, second, cover these up" He pointed to his eyebags and then the concealer. "A'ight,A'ight, Also who's this Iwa-chan~?" Mattsun grinned grabbing the bottle of concealer opening the top. "Only I can call him that!" Oikawa raised his voice, oddly jealous. "Yo chill,Anyways answer my question," Mattsun paused then continued applying the concealer. "Iwa-Chan is the most beautiful ma-Scratch that,He's the second most beautiful man I've ever met,He's really different from everyone,He treats me like a normal person or maybe even lower, not some rich, powerful, hot, beautiful, talented prince,and he's even not afraid to hurt me-" Mattsun snickered. "What?!" Oikawa demanded. "Are you masochist or something?" Mattsun closed the bottle of the concealer after having finished concealing Oikawa's eyebags. "Shut up" Oikawa rolled his eyes. "Uhuh,whatever your majesty,Its time to head for breakfast or something" Mattsun teased. Oikawa sighed going out of his room towards the dining hall.Mattsun coming out after him shortly.

Iwaizumi was practically finished with his day.It was currently 5:34 PM which meant his shift had ended and it was time to head home. Suddenly there was a light tap on one of his broad shoulders. "Hm?" Iwaizumi turned around.He look a down to see a short girl in the female uniform for the Aoba Johsai's maids. "E-excuse me sir,The King and Queen have requested your prescence," She spoke in a quivering voice.  "Now?" The maid nodded. "Alright,Thanks" The maid scuttled off. Iwaizumi sighed,not having a chance to change his out of his wet sweaty Uniform that clasped to his body tightly due to the moisture.

"Oikawa Dear,Have you met the new groundskeeper? He's quite handsome" Oikawa's mother spoke to him, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. Oikawa choked on his spit for a second. "Mom!" Oikawa's mother giggled. "Im just kidding dear,Unless?" She smiled. "Yes,I've met him." Oikawa ignored her "Unless?".  "Oh,have you seen how good the castles yard looks? All by himself, He certainly deserves a raise doesn't he?" His mother noted. Oikawa nodded.  Oikawa's father was surprising a quiet man despite Oikawa's and his mothers personality. The doors opened. Oikawa knew Iwaizumi was hot,but HOLY SHIT. Iwaizumi's uniform had basically formed around his body tightly. Showing Oikawa what he thought should be illegal.Oikawa's face went into a shade of red.

Iwaizumi  opened the pair of doors of the throne room to be greeted by the king,queen, and Oikawa. Iwaizumi bowed while trying to peel the tight clothes into its original form. "Hello Your Majesty's." He straightened his back to face the monarchs. "My my,Welcome Iwaizumi, Do you know why we have summoned you here?" The king didn't say a word,instead it was the queen that spoke. Iwaizumi shook his head politely. "No your Majesty," Iwaizumi replied a bit nervous. "Well  we've noticed how much of a great job you have done taking care of the yard and decided to give you a raise" The queen clasped her hands together with a smile on her face. Iwaizumi's eyes widened but he quickly went back to a stoic face. "Thank you,Is that all your majesty?" Iwaizumi bowed again but faced them. "So polite," The queen giggled to Oikawa. Iwaizumi looked over at Oikawa to notice his eyes were completely staring Iwaizumi down. Iwaizumi made eye-contact.They locked eyes for a few moments getting lost in each others gaze.  Iwaizumi could feel his face heating up. "Hello? Hello!" Iwaizumi blinked realizing he had stared for too long.Oh no. "I said your dismissed." The queen frowned. "Ah Apologies your majesty,I'll be out now" Iwaizumi bowed once more and headed to the exit.

Eek there might be several parts to this-

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