Eret- sick day

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Request: ✅
Pronouns: she/her

FYI: the request didn't specify any plot so I came up with my own!

(This takes place before covid)

Eret POV

I had just ended my stream and said by to the chat before turning everything off.

I spun in my chair and got up stretching before walking to the door of our shared bedroom, as I entered the room my face slowly fell as I saw y/n shuffling around uncomfortably in the bed and a bunch of crumpled tissues on the bedside table.

I walked over to her while carefully sitting down next to her feet.

"You feeling ok Cheeto?"

(People seemed to like the nicknames I've been using So uh yeah if you don't imagine something else but I'm just using words that randomly come to mind)

I heard a faint chuckle mixed with a sniffle as she squirmed around again to lay on her back.

"Sniff* no, but please leave I don't want you catching whatever I have"

I chuckled at the attempt of a lip pout begging me to leave but I knew I wasn't planning to any time soon.

"Sorry love but the only thing I'm gonna catch are feelings and it's a little to late for that"

Her face heated red which caused me to laugh. 

"Shut up it's because I'm sick"

I just laughed even more before getting up from the bed to leave the room.


I held back the redness from spreading on my cheeks even more as eret left the room.

I sighed knowing I would not want eret to catch my sickness and turned back over to grab another tissue.

My hand grabbed nothing but air as I realized the tissue box was, well empty. Just great.

I was hesitant to ask eret to get me another box so I just laid my head back in defeat my eyes.

God I hate being sick, still keeping my eyes closed I reached a hand over to grab my phone.
If anything could take my mind off of something it was to scroll through tik tok for way longer then a normal person should but I didn't care.

My hand slapped the side of my phone on the table next to me only for it to flip my phone off the table and stumble away before landing on the carpeted floor next to it. Wonderful.

I groaned in frustration not wanting to get up and allowed my tired limbs to slide off the side of the bed until only my knees remained holding onto the bed.

I reached my hand out grabbing my phone in the process now relying on my feet to hold me up in a plank position.
Before I could celebrate a cough escaped my mouth as I stumbled off the bed landing on my stomach.

I contemplated my options to stay on the floor or put effort into my sore body and climb back into bed.

But I'm lazy.

I rolled onto my back keeping my phone flat on my stomach. I stayed like this for a good minute until I heard faint footsteps and the door open.

My head turned to the side seeing eret walking in with his arms full of stuff which I could barely focus on.

I was wayyy to lazy to do anything so I stayed on the floor as eret set everything on the end of the bed.


I smiled at his comment as he chuckled before scooping me up from the floor.

I was to lazy to fight back and before I knew it I was being set back onto the comfortable bed.

I couldn't hold back the big smile as my cheeks heated up looking at all of the items laid out next to me tissues (or Kleenex idk what people call it) a fluzzy blanket, some snacks, and f/s (favourite snack/s)

Eret snuggled up next to me with the blanket and turned on random movie on Netflix for us to watch.

About a quarter way through the movie and a few empty bags of snacks later I let my eyes fall and I soon fell into a peaceful sleep feeling eret gently kiss my forehead as darkness took over.

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