schlatt- locked away pt. 1

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Request: ✅

Shoutout to @UkiSuki_ for the request :)

(FYI this story was really fun to write and gave me major rapunzel vibes)


I was losing my mind.

Here I am sitting on my bed doing absolutely nothing.

I have been cooped up in this stupid room for what seems like years, I wish I could at least leave this building and explore the area and actually talk to people.
Ever since my dad schlatt was elected president he decided it was best for me to stay out and not get involved with anything.

No matter what he told me about the people in this world I still wanted to go outside.
He would always talk about tommy and Wilbur and told me to never trust them for they are bad people.

I was just laying on my bed when I heard the handle being pulled and the slight creak of the door as it swung open.

Schlatt POV

At first I felt bad for keeping my daughter locked up for so long but it's for her own good.

I open the door and see y/n laying on there bed she didn't even look at me to have to know it was me.

"What do you want dad"

I sighed heavily before walking over and sitting next to her on the bed, "listen I know your mad because you can't go outside but you need to know I'm only doing this for your own safety there's some people-"
Before I could finish I was cut off by y/n

"Out there who want nothing more then to turn around and stab me in the back or use me as leverage ya I know dad"

Y/n let out a quick sigh before lying back down on there bed hugging a small pillow in there arms.

"I'm sorry this won't last forever I just can't have you going out and trusting people ok you know I love you right..."

I heard another faint sigh

"Yeah I love you to"

And with that I left there room and slowly closed there door behind me turning the knob back into place before hearing the click.

As I walked downstairs I saw quackity sitting by the kitchen counter snacking on something

"You know you can't keep her locked up for the rest of her life ya know"

I was slightly angered by the way he talked well still chewing but glared at him as he put his arms up in defence.

I was tired of people telling me what to do so I stormed out of the house.

"I'm doing this because I need to protect you...."


Hi so sorry for the wait and such a short chapter I will be writing a lot more now :)

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