Wilbur- hungry

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Tw/ a little bit of swearing but very much adorable fluff

Request: ✅

Pronouns- she/her female



So bored.

So fricking bored.

At this point I was halfway off the couch hanging off the side while some random Netflix show was still playing in the backround.

I was very hungry I could tell by my stomach rumbling constantly.

You may be thinking why not just get something to eat,
Believe me I tried I had already gone to the kitchen at least eight times already opening and reopening the fridge and cabinets in hopes food would magically appear.

I had even tried watching the food network to get 'inspired' with something easy I could make which only seemed to make my hunger worse.

(Yes I really just called you guys out I know you do it)

I had already fallen off the couch and had finally decided I would bug wilbur about getting me some take out.

Usually he was a last resort because although I loved to bother him he was usually streaming which was something I didn't like to interrupt.

He had started his stream about an hour and a half ago so I was hoping he finished streaming, I got up from lying on the floor and walked towards his office in the apartment but hesitated as my hand was about to come in contact with the door.

My hand was about to drop until my stomach let out another sound of protest that I clearly wanted food.

I sighed before giving a light knock on the door waiting for an answer.
After a few seconds I didn't hear anything so I quietly opened the door before stepping inside.

There he was, sitting at his computer playing what looked to be minecraft,
I didn't notice the chat on his second screen as I walked over until I was standing next to him.
He looked from his screen towards me.

"Hey did you need something"

Here we go.

I pulled out my secret weapon.

Puppy dog eyes.

I knew it was something he could never say no to.

I walked closer pouting my lip like a child and resting my chin on his shoulder.

It was at this moment I knew. I bleeped up

(I was nervous to swear because I never asked the person who requested if it was ok sooo)

At this point I noticed his face cam and chat which was now spamming awww in the chat and heart emotes.
Just wonderful.
My awkward self did not react well.

"Oh uh hi chat"

Wilbur laughed but I instantly felt guilty.

"It's ok I've been streaming for a while anyway I'm just gonna say goodbye to the chat quickly"

I looked over at the chat still feeling a pit of guilt in my stomach but somewhat relieved when I saw the chat now spamming things like, "Wilbur go get your girl" and "byeeee"

I smiled as he said his goodbyes before ending the stream and raiding one of his friends.

He then spun in his chair to face me with a smile on his face.

"Did you need something penguin"

(That was the only nick name that came to mind so don't judge I thought it sounded cute Idk I'm a single potato so I don't know much about that stuff)

Before I could say anything my stomach grumbled again.

My faced blushed with embarrassment and he just laughed at me.

"You're hungry why didn't you just say something"

He got up from his chair before leading me out of the apartment to his car. We blasted f/s (fav song)

(If you can't think of anything then I suggest I'm in love with an e-girl)

Eventually we made it to (idk pic a fast food place)
And ended up eating In his car while blasting music.

I had to be the luckiest girl in the world.


Sorry if it was cringe again I am a lonely potato who knows barely anything about relationships because I'm to busy simping over block people.

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