Just me ranting

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Sorry if this isn't a normal update... again.

Anyway stick around if you want but overall I just need to rant

Anyway I am currently recovering from sobbing my eyes out. Especially from someone who struggles with being such a sensitive person it only feels right to address everything and write out all the anger I'm feeling rn.


First of all If you were one of the many people who thought it was a good idea to take time out of your day to leave a horrible comment about Karl...

Then I would like to say fuck you to those people :)

Karl is literally always trying to make people laugh and is literally the kindest human ever, it broke my heart to see people leaving rude comments after he officially joined the mr beast channel.

If anything I think Karl's addition to the team has only made me want to watch it more, he's funny, adorable, wholesome, and it makes it so much more enjoyable to watch.

If you somehow managed to get dropped on your head as a child to the point where you are so fucking stupid to realize that words have an impact? On almost ever single me beast video I'm sure your gonna find a good section about why people hate Karl. Wtf is wrong with people

Instead I don't know maybe just scroll? Did you really feel the need to 'joke' about his sexuality just because he paints his nails, or comment about the way he looks because you felt like it? If you think that way then please go ahead and unfollow me, idc I want you off my page, if you hate Karl that's fine I could care less but if you feel the need to tell that to the world instead of just maybe not watching his video then kindly get the fuck out.

What's really messed up is that most people don't understand just how horrible their comments can actually be.

So for all you dumb asses out there ima straighten things up with a visual example:

So for all you dumb asses out there ima straighten things up with a visual example:

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^ yeah we don't want this ^

❤️ But this? We love this we need this ❤️ ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

n ^ shout out to these amazing people and everyone who left positive comments^

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n ^ shout out to these amazing people and everyone who left positive comments^

(Also no I did not cut out anyone's username because if they were so comfortable leaving the comment there in the first place then it should be no different)

But the fact that people think it's "ok" to comment about the way Karl paints his nails or how he looks, and not just Karl these comments happen to so many kind people who deserve more than an apology at this point.

Karl is always so excited to paint his nails and even got excited sharing his nail polish collection on stream and y'all can't let him do something he actually enjoys 😥

And the whole body shaming thing is just disgusting as a whole people like quackity, sapnap, George, even people body shaming tommy and tubbo who are literally minors like almost all of them get body shamed, that needs to change because that is just sickening to even think about.

(FYI I don't care what you say because all bodies are beautiful and should 100% already be normalized so wear what makes you feel confident and if you think that nobody will ever like that then your wrong because I think you are all beautiful in your own way *insert virtual hug 🤗*)

And by the way a little off topic but to everyone who's saying mean things and spamming Addison Rae on tik tok then please stop, it was a big rumour yes that could have to do with her fans, I'm not even a fan of her but I know she would never do the things people have been accusing we of :(

Overall l if you hate Karl then that's fine but please PLEASE take a second to read your comment, think about if it's really worth it?

All I can say is that what jimmy did when he realized Karl wasn't in a good place by simply including him in a challenge was so heartwarming and I hope he takes care of himself and knows that there's millions of people who appreciate him for who he is.

(Also in honour of Karl I will be painting my nails Inspired by his minecraft skin as my way of showing support)

I also encourage everyone to check out his page and follow him if you haven't already or even just leave a nice message, he might not see it but it will at least show that people really do appreciate him <3

For anyone who stuck around to read this than thank you for that :)

It has literally been so hard for me to sit here and watch this happen so I just needed to write out my thoughts 💭

Have an amazing day but I will say this please don't fight negativity with negativity it's ok to stand up for them and make comebacks but you should only take it so far.

(Sorry I know my rant was kinda all over the place but I really had a lot that I needed to cover😀)

I love you all sincerely author Chan 🥺❤️

(Now imma sleep because it is now 12:00 and I have a huge quiz tmr)

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