Fundy- cooking

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First fundy x reader one shot I've done :)

Also the request didn't specify any plot so I hope you like what I've come up with.

Request: ✅



Tw/ swearing (sorry)
And a lot of random jokes from yours truly (sorry)
Shorter than usual (sorry)

Sorry for apologizing so much 😅




"I'm hungryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"

I playfully rolled my eyes at the fucking man child sitting next to me on the couch.

"Then why don't you go make some food?"

I turned my head towards him, who I might add was sliding off the side of the couch.

"Hahahahaha funny so funny"

Reluctantly I got up from the couch grabbing his hand while doing so.

"Ya know we could always order take out?"

I caught an eye roll from him in the corner of my eye which made me chuckle.

"Eh I think I'd rather make some kind of science creation in the kitchen with you"

"Awwww I'm blushing"

We joked a little more while I scrolled online for some basic recipes we could make.

I ended up finding a simple recipe to make 'pizza casserole' (sorry if you don't like pizza you can imagine something else) fundy and I absolutely loved pizza so this was perfect.

(FYI when I was writing that it auto filled to "fundy and abs loved pasta" I'm tea kettle wheezing and it's not even that funny 😭)


I grabbed some big soup mugs, cheese, idk toppings.

Fundy and I were both wearing 'kiss the cook' aprons by his decision which I thought was pretty cute.

As soon as we started making everything he ended up being so invested in doing a good job.

The man spent a solid 15 minutes making sure the sauce layer was 'levelled enough'

I was constantly rolling my eyes at his exaggerated hand gestures when sprinkling seasoning, or random dance moves.

I started adding a few various types of cheese followed by melted cheese sauce, more cheese, and a sprinkle of graded cheddar to top it all off.

(If you don't like cheese... forget I said anything. If your lactose ignore it but every lactose person I know eat dairy constantly so-)


The casserole was in the oven and I could already smell it taking over the kitchen.

Forget scented candles I need a pizza scented one.

We ended up turning on some shit comedy to make fun of instead of finding an actual good movie.

I currently had my legs overlapping his while sitting on the couch with my head rested on his shoulder.

We kept laughing and making fun of the cringy jokes.

The casserole ended up turning out really good and after using my suggestion of eating it in a mug instead of using plates I'd like to think it made it taste that much better.

After half a casserole later and 1.5 shitty movies later we both ended up falling asleep cuddled up on the couch together.

This has got to be one of the best late night last minute dinner of my life.


Sorry if it was short 😅

Hope you enjoyed tho and I might be uploading more one shots tonight :)

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