Wilbur- cramps

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Hallo! So uh double update ig

Ngl I think this request is super cute and a little fluff and features some awkward Wilbur moments :3

Warnings / swearing


(Also I am female so this is partially from experience 💀)



Insert loud noise of pain 😀

I was currently laying in a random position on the couch with only half of my body actually on the couch while the other half was lazily hanging off the side.

Today has been great..... ok I lied it sucks. This morning I found out it was "that time of the month".

Most of the time my period wasn't too bad but ever since this morning, my stomach felt like it was twisted like a pretzel.

I originally came downstairs to make myself a cup of tea, but instead, somehow I ended up crashing on the couch.

I tried taking a nap but I couldn't seem to actually get comfortable.

I felt another sharp pain on my side which made me wince slightly.

I hated feeling like this.

I had already gone down the list and everything.

✅ try poses online that never seem to help
✅use tik tok as a distraction

Yeah, nothing was working.

And those 'poses' didn't help one bit. I was either a professional yoga teacher, or I needed to see I chiropractor.

I felt another sharp pain in my side which made me groan In pain and clutch on to my stomach.

Did I just get stabbed? Because it sure felt like it.

Just then my phone lit up next to me.

New notification: monthly period tracker- 

I chucked my phone across the room.

Luckily it didn't go very far, but it did fall off the couch and landed somewhere on the floor carpet.

I heard some noises from upstairs which I chose to simply ignore.

I felt my sides cramp up again while I tried to find a new position to ease the pain.

It didn't help.


Also FYI these poses DONT FUCKING WORK.

While I slowly rolled off the side of the couch like a slug I heard the faint sound of footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Uhhhhh is this a bad time?"


I Looked over the top of the couch seeing none other than Wilbur standing there looking confused.

I didn't even respond instead I glared.

I guess my emotions decided to be angry.

He seemed to get the message but walked closer anyway.

"Is this comfortable or something?"

I knew he was referring to my current position on the couch, once again I didn't respond.

I heard him chuckle in response but I wasn't laughing.

"Did you chuck your phone again?"

I watched him continue to laugh as he reached down to pick up my phone.

"Why would you need to throw your phon-"

Suddenly a face of realization hit when he saw the notification on my screen.

Yeah he wasn't laughing anymore.


I flopped over to lay on my back this time while he put my phone on a nearby table.

"Wait so are you on your....?"

"To answer your question, yes. I am currently bleeding and in Spain without the S"

"Wait I got it"

He suddenly left for a minute, I was to lazy to sit up and see what he was doing so instead I just listened to him run around our house humming something loudly while doing so.


I heard his footsteps again and before I knew it he was sitting next to me with some kind of box in his hand.

"What's that?"

I furrowed my brows slightly as he continued to dig through this random box I had never seen in my life.

"Luckily you have a boyfriend who's always prepared"

He pulled out what looked like a heating pad and some various bags of candy.

My eyes widened watching carefully as he put different snacks on the coffee table like chips, chocolate, candy (idk whatever snacks you want I guess)

I thought he was done but after he stood up again and turned on (insert favourite movie) adjusting the volume on the tv so it wasn't to quiet or anything.

I smiled when he sat back down next to me and moved my legs to lay over his.

I had almost forgotten about the constant stabbing pain as we continued to sit in silence enjoying the movie and snacks.



Hope you enjoyed!

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