Reactions if you died

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Hi this is my first preferences? I think it's called anyway just some reactions to y/n dying

Very angst
(you know the drill I'm a sucker for writing angst so it will be sad)

Request: yeah

(Also keep in mind I am not making assumptions to how they are irl this is strictly for entertainment and it's more based on their characters)


The feral boysssss

Wouldn't leave his office/bedroom for days, at first he refused to eat as much but realized you would've wanted him to take care of himself, tried streaming every so often to get his mind off everything, says goodnight to you every night as a way to cope that you can still hear him.

Emotional wreck, he would spend hours crying or getting angry and defensive when people brought it up, wouldn't stream for weeks, ignored phone calls and texts from his friends. After a while he started picking up things to do to get his mind off it and tried reaching out to his friends again.

Honestly wouldn't know what to do, took any advice he could get from his friends, stayed inside for weeks, re-watch old videos and look back on pictures of you, after a while he started to get used to the thought of you being gone, made a wall or some kind of board filled with pictures of you guys together.

Used humour to cope, would say things like "no they will come back, I promise it's not true, their ok I know it" streamed with friends even when his fans told him to take a break he simply ignored the worried comments. Eventually everything would catch up and the realization that you really are gone destroys him, doesn't eat or sleep as much, refuses to look at social media at all for months.

When he starts streaming again he acts like your with him, sit on his phone for hours just looking back at photos, hated when people gave him pity, cried himself to sleep the first few nights. Eventually he got better and took more care of himself, however he refused to forget you and hung up his favourite picture of you.


(Get the tissues you might need it)

Refused to believe it was real, he tried keeping a fake smile and showed support to his friends who were sad, set a spot at the table as if you were there, talked with mumza about his feelings and overall was extremely touchy about the subject when you were brought up because he thought of himself as a father figure.

(Also I hope mumza is doing well I know it must be hard on Phil but seriously I hope things get better for them and she returns)

Wouldn't talk to anybody. Would stay locked in his bedroom for a very long time, stayed quiet and gave almost everyone the cold shoulder if they tried reaching out, after he came to the realization you were never coming back things went back to normal, but he stayed almost emotionless, kept a picture or some kind of charm in his pocket that reminds him of you.

Mood swings, one second he's crying, the next he's bashing out at someone. Would lay in bed quietly strumming his guitar, probably write a song about his feelings or about you without publishing it so he could keep it to himself, tried getting back into streaming but fans would notice the fake smile and mood change.

Wasn't great at showing his feelings, refused to cry in front of anyone if you were brought up, hated pity from others, didn't sleep for the first few days, would stay in his room and stream to get his mind off everything, fans once again tried telling him not to worry about streaming and to take time to himself or breaks if he needed it, would probably stream more often and for longer periods of time just as a distraction.

A few others

Tried talking to others about everything, didn't mind pity and actually really appreciated the kind messages or posts from friends and fans, would probably talk about it on a short stream and tear up in the end. Used some fan art of you or the two of you together in his streams, was pretty open about his feelings.

Would stay up liking fan art of you guys together, probably find himself crying without realizing multiple times, thanked his friends for support, tried his best not to push anyone away since he knew they were only trying to help, took a small break of social media in general, made a charity stream specifically for a charity he knew you always supported, included some fan art of the two of you, on his desk, and in his streams, instead of just tweeting he addressed everything on stream, and named some kind of plant or plushy after you.

Very emotional about everything, wouldn't be active and avoid social media for a very long time, made a video or stream to address what happened, likely crying throughout it or finds herself tearing up many times, appreciated her fans comforting messages, would make some kind of charity stream or art contest related to you, was very open with how she felt about everything.

Hope you enjoyed!

And let me know how I did because I don't usually do this kind of thing so I would appreciate any tips <3

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