Wilbur- pregnant pt.3

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Alright you guys asked for it and me being the amazing author I am I shall deliver 😌👏

Also I just got another pregnancy related one shot request lmao

(Kinda fluff angst ish ig)


Ghostbur POV

My son jumped around playfully in the field, throwing leaves in the air and giggling.
He had the most adorable goofy smile and bright eyes.

I wish I could just hold him.

But here I stood watching my son grow up from a distance, this wasn't the life I wanted him to have.

All because of my past life choices.
I smiled at the sight of y/n picking him up and running around with him on her back.

A smile crept up on my mouth watching my two favourite people playing and laughing.

I would give anything to see them again.

I tried to build up the courage to see them, talk to them but I was worried of what they would think of me.

Tommy has already started talking with me more often, giving me advice.

Everyone has been trying to tell me to go talk to them but I was a coward.

The one time y/n managed to catch a glimpse of me outside she brushed it off and told herself it was just an illusion.

I took one last look at my beautiful son before turning and leaving.

It was just to painful for my heart to take.

I didn't exactly know where I was going I just knew I couldn't stand another second basically torturing my own eyes.

While my mind seemed to remain elsewhere my feet seemed to carry my ghost body elsewhere.

I walked for what seemed like hours until my feet stopped.

I looked up to the one place I wish I would never see again, yet he was still the only person that would be able to help me.

I could here the voices in my mind telling me to turn back but before I knew it I was already standing only a few feet away from him.

"Hello Wilbur, or should I say ghostbur"

He chuckled walking closer to where I was standing.

"Hello dream"

I didn't dare to meet his eyes instead I found myself staring at the floor.

"As much as I hate to say this, I need your help"

"Hmm family problems I assume"

I roll my eyes.

"Fine I will help, but you will have to owe me something in return."


A few minutes of discussion later and the deal was set.

Within seconds My once see through skin was slowly starting to vanish.

I closed my eyes as I slowly began to lose feeling in my disappearing limbs.

Then nothing.

When I opened my eyes I was laying down on my back, the warm sheets beneath me and old light hanging above me in the dark room.

My hands subconsciously started reaching for my head, but this time I could actually feel my hair, my skin.

It worked.

I quickly stood from the bed I was on patting down my body at the feeling of not being a ghost anymore.

I could have cried from pure relief.

It really worked.

After figuring out how to walk again now that I'm no longer able to float and walk through walls, I ran out of the door.

My mind was set on one thing, and one thing only.

Once again my feet carried me to the house I had looked at from a far.

My hand hesitantly hovered inches away from the wooden door.

I sighed allowing my fist to knock on the door a couple times.

I heard a silence, which turned into faint sounds of footsteps approaching the door.

My heart was beating so fast I felt like my chest was going to explode.

And then the door opened.

My eyelids blinking away a few stray tears building up in the corner of my eye.


My eyes were now fixated on the floor.

"Look, I'm sorry about everything, I regret everything and I never should of left you-"

Before I could finish I felt a pair of arms wrap around my neck followed by small sobs.

My arms hesitantly wrapped around her pulling her further into my chest.

A few seconds went by before she eventually pulled away, putting her hands on my cheeks and taking in my features.

"Are you really here?"

I could hear the faint cracks in her voice, instead of responding I brought my hand up to hers rubbing my thumb across her hand gently.

"Mommy? Who's at the door"

Y/n pulled away slightly revealing the small boy stood cautiously at the doorframe.

Y/n smiled wiping away a tear on her cheek.

"This is your father"

She smiled, I watched the boys face light up with joy, he looked at y/n for approval before running up to me.

I laughed lifting the boy up to meet my eyes level.

"I missed you so much"

"I missed you to dad"

(I am currently writing this at 11pm so I apologize for any possible spelling mistakes)

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