Ranboo- comfort

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Tbh this is actually more for myself, not in a mean way but I'm dealing with some 'stuff' and I really need to take my mind off of it.

I'm actually watching ranboo's stream rn so it's definitely helped me a lot :)

Anyway Ranboo is currently my favourite comfort streamer atm (hence the title)

Anyway sorry it's not a request I just really needed to write something.

(Kinda angst this is gonna be very similar to the phonophobia one shot I did but with a different plot)



Yelling, all I heard were loud voices around the house.

I winced at the series of shouts I could hear from downstairs.

I hated it.

The yelling was only getting louder and the loud voices from the other rooms weren't exactly helping.

To take my mind away from everything I quickly typed on my keyboard to hopefully find a stream I could watch, or anything in general.

Unfortunately none of my friends seemed to be live at the moment.

I started to panic still cringing at the loud swears and cursing from downstairs.

I could feel my eyes getting wet, blinking away a few tears as my typing got faster.


My hands stopped typing looking at my phone to see a message pop up on the screen.

I took a breath titling my phone slightly to look at the notification.


Hey y/n! Wasn't sure if you were busy but did you want to come on the VC?

My eyes looked over the text as I quickly typed a response.

Sure I mean I'm not really doing much anyway haha

K cool :D


I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in, a smile subconsciously grew on my face as I opened the discord on my pc.

In a few seconds the call option popped up on the screen which I accepted almost instantly.

"Hey y/n! How's it going?"

"Good, you?"

"Fine actually, if your in the mood we can maybe hop on the server?"

"Sure give me one minute"

I opened minecraft waiting for the screen to load, I could hear ranboo making random noises while he waited for me to join.

When my character eventually spawned into the server, for some reason I was in a hole in the ground which made me laugh.

"Why is my character in the ground"

I rolled my eyes as he started laughing through the call, I could see his name tag running around while I tried to place blocks beneath me.

"I forgot to tell you tommy put your character in the ground while you were afk"

I chuckled at his comment followed by a wheeze when I struggled to find any blocks in my inventory.

"ranboooooooo, help I can't find any blockssssss"

He started wheezing while his character appeared above me, he was now repeatedly shifting.

"Ranboo stop twerking on my and help me outttt"

"Oh no! Y/n in da ground what will they do!"

I rolled my eyes again while eventually digging myself up.

We played for a while just jumping around and mining.

It was going well until the yelling started again.

In a panic I quickly muted myself on the discord.

He stayed quiet for a while when I realized he must of heard it.

"Are you ok?"

I stayed on mute as the yelling continued.

Eventually when it got quiet again I slowly unmuted myself.

"Oh um sorry about that-"

"No, you don't have to apologize. But I was going to ask if you wanted to play this new game with me it's a multiplayer and I haven't tried it out yet"

I smiled, great full that he didn't ask any further to step on any boundaries.

He sent me the link to the game we were playing while I downloaded it.

In the meantime we just talked for a while.

When the game finished downloading we both started running around and testing out the controls (idk pick a random game) the game turned out to be hilarious, we have literally both been wheezing constantly for the past few minutes now.

When the game finished I looked at my phone, the time went by so quickly that it was now almost midnight.

Ironically after I had noticed the time I let out a yawn, stretching my arms in the process.

"Are you tired?"

I could here him laugh slightly as I let out another yawn in response.

"Yeah, is it ok if I stay on call though?"

He paused for a second while I stretched my back out a little, I could hear some cracks from sitting for so long.

"Uh sure I don't mind!"

I laughed before closing some open tabs and rubbing my eyes.

That night we both ended up falling asleep on call together.

I hadn't realized how much he was able to help with distracting me from everything, and I was great full for that.


Again I suck at endings , I also don't think this chapter is very good to be honest because it's kinda all over the place.

Anyway for anyone concerned, I'm ok :)

(I have a slight fear of loud noises specifically yelling so that's why I'm a bit overwhelmed, I'm a little shaky but I'm fine and sorry for the mistakes I didn't look over it)

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