Ghostbur- seeing things

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Tw/ none just some happy fluff

Request: ✅

(Also I did my best to make this happy but it came out a tiny bit sad at some parts I couldn't help myself but enjoy)


Wilby- I mean ahem Wilbur POV

I was going around the smp checking up on how everyone was doing.

I saw niki at her bakery and tubbo sitting in the same spot he died.
He took things pretty roughly not being able to see tommy.

I had given him a compass for him and tommy so they could always find each other.

In this world we couldn't see ghosts but us ghosts could see people kinda like spectator mode.

I was walking down the path when something caught my eye.

It was y/n.

They were just sitting on a small grass hill picking flowers.
I sighed and walked up to them they had tears in there eyes and I'm there other hand they were holding the letter I have to them.


I was picking some flowers I tried holding back my tears but gave up and let them fall.
I still held onto the note Wilbur gave me I had read over it probably hundreds of times and hadn't put in down since I got it.
I had to admit everything just happened so fast the battle and Wilbur dying.
People often would tell me things like "it's gonna be ok"
Or "he's still with you"
At first I just ignored them but now I've had this feeling like he truly was with me.
I walked down the hill and stopped by a tree I had carved our initials into it.
I placed the flowers down next it and sat down leaning against the tree with my legs crossed

"Hey Wilbur its been a while I know it's stupid to talk to nobody but if you are listening I just wanted to say I missed you and that I hope your doing well"

"I can feel you here with me or at least I think I do if you could give me some kind of sign that your here it would make me really happy"

I waited but nothing happened.

I closed my eyes for a minute relaxing my mind
When I opened my eyes I almost had a heart attack sitting In front of me was none other then Wilbur himself he looked completely normal apart from being somewhat see through.


He didn't respond just returned a sweet smile.

"H-how are you here?"

Again didn't respond for a while just sighed well looking at the scenery around him

"Hey y/n"

My eyes were already filling with tears one managing to break free and roll down my cheek.

Thoughts were running through my mind was he really here in front of me?

He eventually stood up and sat down next to me by the tree watching the sun go down slowly in the sky.

I wanted to talk to him It was as if I had spent my whole life figuring out the right things to say to him but now that he's actually here with me I couldn't form a word.

I moved my attention to the sky which started to turn orange and fade into yellow the closer the sun got to the horizon.

I wish this moment could last forever.

Eventually my eyes grew heavy and I leaned my head against his shoulder as the night sky grew darker my body slowly let sleep take over as I shut my eyes.

His presence was comforting and although he was a ghost I could still feel his arm wrapping around my shoulder pulling me in closer.

"I miss you to y/n..."

The next morning a bright light was seeping through my eyelids and I awoke pushing myself up from the ground well using my other hand to rub my eye.

I adjusted to the light and looked around to see I was now lying alone under the tree I sat up and went to stand up but my hand touched an unfamiliar object.

I moved my hand away to see a compass pointing away from me and a small note attached to the side.

"Incase you need to find me again I will always be there"

I couldn't help but smile as I picked up the compass I stayed by the tree hugging it against my chest.


Ok so I'm sorry if this sounded sad I really tried to make it happy fluff also I suck at endings so I'm sorry if it left off weirdly.

I hope you enjoyed thank you for the request again I'm sorry if it sounded angst :)

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