Dream- fight

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Request: ✅
pronouns: she/her/they/them

(I'm prob just gonna use they them for majority)

(Also kind of sad and this story is NOT based on real events this is strictly for entertainment for he is a real person)



I'm not usually THAT person but I was so bored and I really needed attention.

I was currently watching some show that was more like back round music considering I wasn't paying a lot of attention.

I was focusing so much on the show that I wasn't paying any attention at all.

(Idk if that makes sense but when I pay to much attention to something I can't focus anyway I will now shut up or try to at least)

I gave up on Netflix and closed my laptop.

Dream and I are currently dating but it's like he's put me in the friend zone because I haven't seen him all week.

I see him in the morning but he just goes right back into his office to edit or film content.

I was worried about knocking because I know how much he doesn't like being bothered.

~small time skip~

It was now close to midnight and I haven't heard from dream at all today.

I was now in bed curled up waiting, just waiting.

I was planning on confronting him about it tonight, while still in my thoughts the door handled pulled down and opened revealing dream.

He walked in slowly before sitting down on the bed next to me.

"He-hey dream how was editing?"


I cringed internally at the awkward feeling now in the room.

"I don't want to talk about it ok I'm tired"

"O-ok that's fine"


Eventually he laid down next to me his back was facing mine.

It was extremely uncomfortable, I tried to fall asleep but I ended up just turning constantly trying to get comfortable, I was used to sleeping closer to him or cuddling but the past week has been very distant and awkward between us.

"Can you stop moving around so much?!"

I flinched slightly at how angry he sounded and stayed still moving away to the edge of the bed.

A few minutes later I still haven't slept a wink.

I could tell dream was awake but once again I was scared to say anything.

"H-hey dream?"

I didn't know where that came from and mentally cursed myself.


"Can w-we talk?"

"If you stop stuttering so much I'll consider it"

"Ok sorry, I don't want to push on anything but... are you ok?"

"I'm fine"

I turned over onto my side to see that he was already facing me.

"I just feel like this past week we haven't really, i don't know..."

I trailed off before starting to play with the wrinkled bed sheets.

"We haven't what."

I held back a flinch now realizing this conversation was a bad idea.

"It's just I know you've been working and all and I understand you can be busy sometimes but I've barely seen you"

"It's not my fault, do you even know how long it takes to edit one 20 minute video? I have to go through hours worth's of footage just to get a single video out."

At this point I was sitting on the bed while he stood on the opposite side his anger clearly visible even in the dark room.

"I'm sorry it's just. I understand you have fans but don't you think your overworking yourself...?"

"I'm overworking myself? Me? I'm the one trying to provide for us!"

"And I understand that! It's just you barely even acknowledge me anymore..."

"Oh so this is about you now huh?! Ya know instead of being worried about my career your now adding to my stress. You want so much and there's only so much I can give
To the point where your mad at me for not giving you attention!"

"I never said- no it's just- I don't want you putting so much pressure on yourself, the past few days have been hard on the both of us and yelling at each other isn't solving anything."


Now I was mad.



"It's just hurts to s-see you get up and spend the whole day working I- I haven't even gotten as much as a hello? Hey? How was your day? I mean when was the last time we actually spent longer then 5 minutes together? Huh when was the last time we actually took time off to I don't know get dinner? Go out? You want to work on your career then fine go ahead! But shutting me out for a whole week has been awful. I just.... I just want to make you happy and not feel like a burden....."

I felt a thumb wipe away some tears I hadn't even realized had fallen. The room was quiet as his hand lifted my chin up ever so slightly to meet with his green eyes.

"I'm sorry..."

I was taken back not expecting such a calm response.


"Look I'm sorry, your right, if been spending to much time on my work and it hasn't been doing any good for my mental health. I do appreciate you I really do and honestly I should spend more time more time with you, it's not right for me to ignore you but I still need to work. I promise I will still work but I can make more of an effort to take a break and make plans to spend time with you"

He pulled me into a hug which I instantly melted into wrapping my arms around his torso while quietly crying into his shirt.

"I love you.."

"I love you to..."


Ok the ending made me happy 😊

Also FYI  I know I shouldn't have to say this or anything but this is strictly based off of the request and my imagination, this is not based on any real events and is not supposed to assume anything about dream or who he is as a person this was just for the purpose of the story so please do not take it seriously he is a real person. 

Thank you, and goodnight 👍

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