Karl- streaming together

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It has come to my attention that I have not done a Karl one shot and we can't have that now can we 😀

Anyway I am in no doubt a Karl simp and I can't have a one shot book without Karl so here ya go

(Also thank you to the person who dm'd me and let me know😃)

Possible warnings/ swearing




I was currently wheezing my ass off.

Karl and I were streaming together and we were constantly failing at a pretty basic game we found online.

"K-Karl stawp that's not how yo- wheeeeeezzzeeee"

He giggled with me while we continued to fail at using the simple controls to move the characters around.


I was laughing so hard to the point where I eventually fell off my chair, he laughed at me as I continued to wheeze on the floor until I felt light headed.

"K-Karl wheeezeee I think I-I need a bre-ak from this game wheeze"

He seemed get the message still laughing while the chat flooded with comments about our stupidity.

I slowly pushed myself up from the floor and sat back in my chair while Karl looked for a different game to play.

"Chat why game do you think we should play?"

I wiped a few stray tears away with the tips of my fingers which was a result form laughing so hard.

The chat started spamming different games in comments while I struggled to look for one.

"Minecraft.... among us.....horror game"

As soon as I said horror game the chat soon started spamming different scary games in the chat.

Ilikepretendingtobeacarrot: FNAF
whyamihere: FNAF
Icouldntthinkofanythingelse: FNAF

Karl and I unfortunately seemed to get the message.

I gave Karl the 'look' while he continued to switch the game.

While he was changing the tab I answered some dono's and looked at the chat.

"Fun fact chat we hate scary things"

(I actually love scary things but I'm sorry if it didn't apply to you)

I laughed at Karl's comment while he continued to giggle at the thought of us playing anything related to horror.

A few minutes into playing and so far we were good.

Occasionally the lights would flicker and made weird npises but luckily we haven't truly gotten scared yet.

The chat was enjoying every second of our suffering while I continued to look away at the smallest sudden noises.

Smol time skip~

Ok now I was scared.

The chat kept leading us on and prancing is that their was something on the screen.

Karl was surprisingly doing well but I couldn't say the same for myself.

(Insert jump scare)

As soon as that stupid ducking bear jumped at the screen I immediately flinched and pulled my headphone off in the process, Karl and I both screamed at the same time while chat went crazy.

I placed a hand over my chest as my heart beat quickened.

Karl had his head buried into his hood, I didn't even realize I had moved closer and hid my face In his shoulder out of pure fear.

After a couple more  jump scared later we had enough of the game, I took a glance at my phone seeing that the time was now close to 11 pm.

It wasn't very late but we had been streaming for at least 5ish hours now which was longer than usual.

As if reading my mind Karl let the stream know we might end it soon.

"Wait chat, chat we should do one last thing before we end the stream"

I looked at him confused tilting my head slightly while he went to grab something.

A few seconds later he pulled out a small box of various nail polish from one of the desks drawers.

I instantly smiled while the chat started to once again spam random hearts and messages.

We spent a couple minutes painting each others nails, I did Karl's with a black nail polish while he painted mine with y/f/c (your favourite colour)

I personally found it adorable to see how concentrated he was on making mine look as neat as possible.

I let out a yawn as Karl finished up the last one of my nails.

"Anyway thanks guys for coming to hang out with us but I think we're gonna turn in for the night, Bye chat!"

I tiredly waved but smiled regardless as he clicked the end stream button.

I now looked at the time to see it was now almost 12 pm.

A few minutes had gone by until our nails had completely dried.

I was practically falling asleep still sitting up while I scrolled through some Twitter notifications on my phone.

"Y/n go to bed your gonna fall asleep in a chair"

I lazily rolled my eyes but regardless I shut off and plugged in my phone, he was already waiting for me with open arms on the bed as I flopped on top of him.

"You have the presence of a sea lion"

I playfully smacked his arm but I was to tired to comment back.

Instead I laid my head on his chest letting the tiredness in my body to catch up to me, I felt him place a quick kiss on my forehead before I completely closed my eyes.

Not even a minute had gone by as the both of us fell into a deep sleep in each others arms.


Ma heart ❤️🥺 anyway I'm still literally so mind blown that I haven't done a Karl one shot yet.

But anyway hope you enjoyed and heads up because I might be updating a few more tmr and possibly writing a few more adorable fluff sibling one shots :3

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