Tommy- stressful study night

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Also I think I'm gonna keep going with this one shot book because at first I thought about making a second one but instead imma just see how far I can go with this one, also requests are still open btw :)

(This was requested to be a purpled platonic request but I know he mentioned on stream he isn't really comfortable with fanfics so I changed it to tommy so I hope that's ok)

Request: obviously

She/her they/them

Possible warning/ swearing

(Kinda short)



After many emotional breakdowns and many tears later here I am, sitting at my desk in the same back breaking posture for the past few hours now, and how much work have I done? Nothing.

The worst yet best week of school was only halfway done, yes it was great because school should be over shortly, but it sucks because this is the week my teachers decide to cram final assignments and tests before summer.

This was supposed to be a week of relaxation but after I took some time off my last couple of projects started piling up, and if I didn't get some of the assignments in by tomorrow than I fall at risk of failing one of my classes.

I felt angered tears prickling the corner of my already red eyes, staring painfully at the same bright laptop screen and scattered books flipped to random pages I had lost count of.

My hands stressfully pulled at my hair, constantly rubbing my eyes hoping I wouldn't cry again.

I kept my head down in my hands not even bothering to wipe away the forming tears.

Why is everything so stressful.

I could hear the faint sound of my bedroom door being opened, I didn't bother to look already having a good idea of who it was.

"Hey y/n-"

I could tell he dropped his bag down somewhere on my floor, his head leaned over to look at what I was currently working on.

Some people may be uncomfortable with friends coming over unannounced, but we had known eachother long enough to the point where this was normal. 

"School work I'm assuming?"

I only nodded slightly keeping my head in my hands while he chuckled at my tired and frustrated mood.

He seemed to get the idea that I wasn't in the mood for verbal responses, deciding on reaching over to click around on my keypad himself.

"Ok you know what that's not to bad, only 5 big assignments and a few small ones, if you want I can help you?"

I groggily moved one of my hands away now putting the pressure in my other hand to support, he looked into my red glossy eyes for a minute.

"I would appreciate that but I don't want to waste your time, I've been working on this stupid project for hours now and you know how my teacher is with marking"

I turned my attention back to the screen, my page was close to blank and I needed a minimum of three to five paragraphs worth of information.

"Well lucky for you I've had my fair share of 'mean teachers' and I will help you anyway because I want to"

He used air quotations when referring to his past teachers, I could already visualize the memory back in 7th grade when our teacher practically held a grudge against Tommy for
accidentally setting the science
room on fire.... Twice.

"Ok but that's different, ok because now it's online and my teacher only hates me because I'm not getting things done on time, not because I set the class on fire"

Ignoring my protest we ended up sitting on my bed with some of my needed books and papers with me, he was sitting against my wall comfortably with his legs out while I laid down by some of my books.

I knew he was a great student but keeping to his word we managed to get a lot more done than I imagined.

I took notes from the workbooks, typing out most of the information while he helped me figure out how to word a few things.

We made a pretty good team.

It had been a while now, we had managed to finish my paper, and get some of my small extra credit assignments out of the way.

I felt my eyes getting droopy, taking a quick glance at my phone to check the time.

It was around 1:45 am, we were both pretty tired from doing work for so long.

"See I told you it wasn't that bad, if your ever stressed you can always ask me for help I know how hard school can be"

A smile grew on my face, he was always looking out for me when I needed it.

"Hey if you want tommy you can spend the night, it is getting late and I do technically owe you for helping me"

He playfully rolled his eyes moving one of my textbooks to a nearby shelf.

"You don't 'owe me anything' but If you don't mind I might just take you up on that offer"

A small chuckle escaped my lips while I left the room briefly, I grabbed something to change into myself in the bathroom while tommy just took his hoodie off since he was already wearing comfortable clothes to sleep in.

When we were both ready for bed I grabbed us both a bottle of water and shut off the hallway lights.

My room was slightly messy from my bag, books, and school work so we ended up sharing my bed because it was queen sized so it could easily fit the both of us.

I contemplated pulling out my phone to check my socials but tommy was quick to shoo it out of my hands.

The soft peaks of moonlight were ever so slightly peering through my bedroom window.

Tommy was turned away so his back was facing mine.

After blinking a couple times, my eyelids growing heavier after each one.

Eventually sleep caught up to me falling asleep in peace after a day of getting school work out of the way.

(Hope you enjoyed! I will try to get a few more done soon to make up for such a short random one shot)


Also real quick I have art block and I have no idea what to draw rn so I would appreciate suggestions 🥲 like literally anything I've been looking for some kind of reference for half an hour.

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