Tommy- mushroom

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Once again another platonic tommy innit one shot.

Keep in mind this is platonic and in this one shot the reader is Tommy's younger sister (6 years old)

Request: ✅

Extremely adorable platonic fluff I literally can't stop smiling at this story it's that adorable <3

If you need serotonin I can assure this will provide just that :)



Tommy POV

I couldn't hold back my loud laughs as my friends continued to make a fool out of themselves in front of thousands of people.

I was just goofing off on the smp server with my friends tubbo, Ranboo, technoblade, and fundy.

I had my headphones on not really paying much attention to my surroundings.

I didn't hear my door open but when I noticed my face cam I could see the door swung open in the back.

At first I figured it was probably my dog since my parents were both at work I went to close the door but to my surprise I didn't see any sign of my dog.

Instead I looked down next to my chair to see big eyes looking up at me.

I sighed looking down at my short younger sister who had the biggest puppy dog eyes and a small smile.

I always had a bit of a soft spot for my sister and couldn't hold back the smile creeping up on my face.

"I-I wanted t-to show chu my pwushie"

Y/n held out her short arms displaying a mushroom plushie that looked like it was from minecraft but had a sewn on smile and eyes.

"Yes I can see that"

I could faintly hear my friends in the background asking me what was going on but decided to ignore it.

"D-do chu like ma pwushie"

I looked back at the small mushroom which was probably half the size of y/n herself which took up all her arms could carry.


"Shut up ranboo"

"Oh my god it is!"

"You to tubbo"

Y/n eventually waddled away stumbling a little not being able to see the floor with the mushroom blocking part of her vision.

I sighed and closed my door before heading back to my desk.

I put my headphones back on jumping into the conversation which was confusing at first.

"Techno don't say it don't you dare say it"

"Officer I drop kicked that ch-"


"You have proble-"



I opened my mouth to speak but instead I was met with the sound of my doorknob being pulled down.

I turned around to see y/n once again stumble into my room with a second mushroom plushy but in a different colour.

She struggled carrying both toys in her arms due to the size of them and somehow managed to pull herself on top of my bed.

She laid down staring at me with a smile on her face.


Was that fluff enough?!

I'm ligit still smiling and my face hurts like shi-

Also before anyone comes at meh like-
"hE juSt rEveAled hiS 6 yEaR oLd siSteR onLiNe"
Yeah yeah Ik just go with it it's called a one shot for a reason where this thing called book logic happens so just like chill 😌

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