Techno- depressed pt.2

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since y'all batted you eyelashes and half the comments wanted it I guess I gotta give the people what they want 💅

pt. 2 of depressed

Again I'm sorry this will be an angst with fluff ish ending uwu

Tw/ swearing



Y/n POV.

Here I am crying at some stupid tree.

I've been sitting here with my head rested on my hands. Crying.

God I'm so fucking dramatic.

"Uhh you... ok?"

My eyes widened as I wiped away the remaining tears in my eyes already knowing who's voice that belonged to.

"yeah I'm ok sorry I'll leave now"

I kept my head down as I quickly brushed by them to leave but was stopped.

Confused I felt a gentle yet firm grasp on my upper arm, hesitant I turned around keeping my head low.

"Your not ok I can tell... do you want to talk about it?"

My face threatened to blush but I quickly shook my head keeping my eyes fixated on the ground beneath me.

"Are you... crying?"

I just chuckled keeping my head low

"No why would I be crying? Anyways I should probably g-"

I felt a hand on my chin lifting my head ever so slightly to be met with eyes filled with pity.

God I hated pity.

He moved my head a little looking into my eyes.

"What happened...?"

"It's stupid now I really should get going sorry for bothering you"

I didn't know why but although I've liked them for so long I've always wanted to sit down and actually have a conversation with him.... but now that it's happening I just feel the need to push him away.

Why do I always push everyone away....

It's not that everyone doesn't love me... it's because every time people get close I just don't let them.

It's my fault.

It's all my fucking fault.

"Listen I appreciate the concern but I- I need to go."

I fought the sob in my throat not wanting to feel any weaker than I was now.

I tried to move away from his grasp but only managed to take a single step back before I was pulled into a strong embrace his arms wrapping around me.

"I..... is it because of me?"

I was immediately taken back by his words. No... it's me it's always been me it's so clearly my fault yet he feels like it's his fault?!

"No it's not you- believe me it's never you... it's just..."

"It's just what?"

He pulled away from the hug still keeping his hands around my waist , although he spoke with such monotone in his voice I could tell he cared.

He actually... cared.

"It's honestly nothing heck I'm probably just overthinking, I'm being dramatic... I mean it's not everyday you find out your own crush dosnt like you back people get over it and so will I-"

His hands had moved to hold my own preventing me from turning away.

Why the hell would I say that.

"Do you like me?"

"I- well you see crush can mean a lot of things I just I-"

Before I could finish he pulled me in once more.

This time I wasn't even mad about it.

It was like everything in the world just stopped the only thing crossing my mind was the thought of his warm embrace.

I had never felt such comfort before that a year rolled down my cheek from being caught up in the moment.

"If it makes you feel better I've liked you for a long time now I mean your amazing in every way I could just never find the words for it, it was stupid to think I had actually caught feelings I guess I just didn't know how to show it"

Now I was really flustered. 

He actually likes me?

My face was likely beat red just thinking about it.

Am I dreaming?

We must of stayed like this for a few minutes now before one of us finally pulled away. 

His hand brushed a stray piece of hair from my eyes to tuck it behind my ear.

I was blushing a lot now but didn't have any urge to fight back.

His hand move from my ear to my cheek I could feel his thumb slightly graze the side of my lip.

I was having a hard time processing everything at once and before I knew it...

I was leaning in...

And so was he.......

I guess somebody does care about me......


Hope you enjoyed 🥺

Thank you to everyone who requested a second part I'm sorry if it was short but I personally like it the way it is :)

Anyway thank you for the comments and votes!

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