Chapter Eighteen

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Derek sat on Stiles' bed, waiting for him, thinking about all the things Matt could be saying, what they could be doing. It made Derek sick.

Half an hour had gone by and Derek was pacing now.. when Stiles walked in.

"Stiles" He said as more of a question then anything else, "He just wanted to ask me out” Stiles answered looking down at his hands, "Mmm.." Derek replied. "Dont worry I said no, and that I have a boyfriend"

Derek felt a rush of relief come over him, he couldn't help but smile.


Derek P.O.V

I can't tell you how happy I was to hear those words, I know I tried to stay away from Stiles but seeing him tonight.. Talking to that guy, it made me realize that I dont want him to go anywhere and I sure as hell don't want anyone else to be 'his boyfriend'

So I guess thats when I decided to give up trying to let him go.

"So? What'd you want to talk about?" He says while staring at me, I look at him, and my mouth twitches into a little smile that I honestly couldn't help, "Never mind" I said before grabbing his neck slightly and pulling him into a kiss.. I slowly traced his bottom lip with my tongue, begging for entrance. He without hesitation he opens his mouth, gaining me access to his tongue, I collide my tongue with his as he moves his hand from my chest up to the back of my neck. I love it how he does that.

We moved perfectly in sync with one another. When without warning someone bursts through the door, making us both jump a little, it was Danny. I could tell something was wrong considering the furious face expression and the body language.

"Arh, are you okay dude?" I asked hoping I didn't get my head bitten off. "Fine"

Danny didn't even look at us, he just walked in, grabbed his bag and went to leave, when he ran into Scott and Isaac "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!" He yelled leaving us all in shock by his sudden outburst. By the look of it none of the boys had seen him like that, I sure haven't. Scott didn't say anything, he just let him pass.


Stiles P.O.V

That was intense, I'd hate to be on the bad side of Danny. That man could sure kill someone when he's mad.

"Scott?" I said without realizing. "Hey" he reponded. He seems off, I know he only said one word but c'mon, I've knowing this kid since first grade, his routine's get predictable.

Should I ask? Don't ask, But there's something wrong! So what? He's a big boy he'll be fine. Ask him. No. Yes.

"So how was the trip boys?" I ask

Wow Stiles

They look at eachother seeming surprised by my question. Only Isaac gives me an answer "Eh, nothing really happened.. It was really boring actually" I watched as Scott's eyes shot up at his words. Making me all the more interested in this trip.

Derek broke my concentration by putting his hand on my lower back underneath my shirt. I looked at him and he gave me a little smile before saying "I'm gunna go see if Danny's okay. See you's later?" He said while gently moving his hand. It was obvious that Scott and Isaac were completely oblivious to his actions, which is good cause that would have been really awkward to explain.

I gave him a soft nod and he walked out, Scott looked like he wanted to say something so I shot him a look. He shook it off and told me he was gunna go back to his room to sleep. Once he left it was just me and Isaac, he took a seat on one of the bean bags in the middle of the room.

So I sat on one next to him, I looked over at him, but if you can't tell, I'm not one for no conversation or awkward silences.

"Okay, what's going on" I said while staring at Isaac. "What do you mean?" He replies, "You and Scott are acting weird and dont even try to deny it. I know both of you.. To well"

"Nothing?" He played dumb. "Don't lie to me Isaac, its not attractive" I tease. "Good thing its not you I'm trying to look attractive for" he responded with a slight smirk.

"Bro come on" I egged, come on why won't he tell me, I thought I was his best friend, as well as Scott's "Arh, fine but you can't tell anyone I told you alright! Especially Scott! Okay Stiles!? No one!!" I looked at him suspiciously not knowing what the fuck I signed up for. "Okay, okay, I promise" I reassured him before he took in a deep breath.

"I fucked Scott"

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